• I want to display the category name at the bottom of a post. I don’t want it to be a link and I don’t want it to be a list (all my posts only have one category), I just want the name displayed. At the moment I’m using <?php the_category() ?> but that displays it as a link and also sticks it in an unordered list.

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  • There needs to be a template tag that does this. There don’t seem to be any yet.

    Doesn’t that shatter any validation ?

    I am also interested in doing this, and have yet to figure out a good implementation. Would the best idea be to write a plugin, or do you think this will be something that is implemented in version 1.3?

    Why on earth would it shatter validation? Validation and semantic markup are entirely separate things. The validator’s not so clever that it says ‘hang on, this is a category, it should be in a list.’
    If you want to write a plugin, go for it. I very much doubt that the devs will be fiddling with template tags for 1.3 (anyway, they like uls).

    It works 😉

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