• I’m having the following problem. I’ve made a custom post type which is called Products. Products has a slug of “products”. I’ve also created two custom taxonomies. One is Product Category (which acts as categories) with slug “product-cat” and the other one is Product Application (which acts as tags) with slug “app”. Well my problem is with the children of the Product Category when i add custom permalinks (so don’t pay attention to Product Application).

    Lets say the url that I want to achieve is this


    But when i’m adding custom permalinks with the plugin Custom Post Type Permalinks with that structure /%product-cat%/%postname%/ i’m getting 404.
    I don’t mind if i dont use this plugin at all

    I tried to save again the permalinks, to add flush_rewrite_rules in the register post type, to add with_front => false and generally everything from this topic which the guys there have the same problem like me and some other topics but nothing.

    Any other method that i’m missing? If i leave the custom permalink in its default /%postname%/ i dont get any 404 but the url is just the postname for the product.


    I want at least to show the category


    Thank you 🙂

    My code for the custom post types is this:


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