• In the production line of one of the sites where I act as a Webmaster we create some editorial posts which includes the same contents in certain fields like:

      Post Title
      Featured image
      Post categories
      Post tags

    My question is: Can I create pre-made post templates with predefined content for some posts? Let’s say:

    I have the “Cartelera” column with the next fields pre-filled:

      Post Title: Cartelera
      Author: Humberto Gutierrez Paez
      Featured image: http://panucoaldia.diariodebate.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Cartelera2.jpg
      Post categories: Cartelera, Colaboradores, Columnas, Humberto Gutierrez Paez
      Post tags: cartelera, estado, federal, gobernacion, mexicano, nacional, nieto, peña, presidente, tamaulipas, tamaulipecos

    Sample post can be seen here: http://panucoaldia.diariodebate.info/2014/05/cartelera/

    Every post will have at least the same data in these fields. The same as this scenery I have 4 or more recurrent columns/posts that are published at least once or twice daily, of which I would like to create predefined templates in order to simply choose them from a dropdown, or select it from somewhere in order to start filling in the post text and adding the needed tags, categories and featured image for those cases on which the image should change.

    Thanks in advance for the support.


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