• EDITED: removed comment about purchase button missing.
    Edit 2: corrected url.

    The cart layout is off and the shipping options don’t work.

    Store URL: http://wp.teamfishco.com
    WordPress version: 3.9.2
    WP eCommerce version:
    Gold Cart version:
    Theme: twenty twelve

    I did this:
    installed wp e-commerce
    configured options
    uninstalled all other plugins
    reverted to a default theme
    moved cart files to theme
    flushed theme
    added a test product to the store
    tested shopping process

    I expected WPeCommerce to do this:
    work smoothly.

    Instead it did this:
    cart layout/css is bad (alignment is bad)
    “remove” button in the cart is missing
    shipping checkbox in store settings for UPS is disabled (can’t enable UPS)
    shipping calculator doesn’t work for USPS
    shopping cart shipping options aren’t displayed
    shopping cart shipping panel sometimes doesn’t appear at all
    shopping cart sometimes fails to load after clicking shipping calculator button


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