• I’m running a super dooper blog that all I’m doing is posting a picture ever hour on the hour. WordPress offers the ability to set posts in the future, which is awesome! Unfortunately when I’m using FireFox, I can’t tab between the date fields (day, year, hour, minute) on the post creation screen. This behavior was first noticed immediately after the 2.3 update.

    After 2.3 was released (and I upgrade), I was able to bypass this oddity by not touching anything else but the time/date section. Touching the title or image upload sections would trigger this behavior. With the latest update 2.3.2, I’m unable to bypass it at all.

    The frustrating part is that when I use IE, there is no indication of this problem, and when I’m editing drafts or previously created posts, there’s no problem either.

    Anyone else able to recreate this problem, or am I experiencing something amazingly singular?

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