• Resolved frychiko


    How can I enable comments on custom post types?

    I’m on a fresh install of WP 3.0 with no plugins installed.
    This is the code I have for a custom post type:

    register_post_type("product", array(
    	"label" 	        => __("Products"),
    	"singular_label" 	=> __("Product"),
    	"public" 		=> true,
    	"capability_type"       => "post",
    	"hierarchical"		=> false,
    	"rewrite"		=> array("slug" => "Shop"),
    	"query_var"		=> false,
    	"show_ui"		=> true,
    	"supports"		=> array("title", "editor", "thumbnail", "author", "custom-fields", "comments")

    And I’m using the default comment template provided by wordpress, without any custom callback:

    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    I have also checked ‘allow comments’ under ‘Discussion’ for this post type.

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