• Hi,

    My blog name is appearing twice in the title of my header on the home page. It is showing as:

    CoolBusinessIdeas.comCoolBusinessIdeas.com | New Business Ideas, Innovations And Opportunities Around The World

    The code in my header template is:

    <?php if ( function_exists('optimal_title') ) { optimal_title('|'); bloginfo('name'); } else { bloginfo('name'); wp_title('|'); } ?>
    <?php if ( is_home() ) { ?> | <?php bloginfo('description'); } ?>

    I cant figure out what is wrong… It is showing ok in my other pages and posts.

    Can anyone offer some advice? Thanks!

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  • Have a look at your tagline in the settings page. That is normally what shows up on the tab.

    Also what have you called your home page, is it coolbusinessideas.com, if it is, change it to something else like test and see will that make a difference.

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