• jasondrhodes


    A blog I operate has stopped functioning. Both myself as admin, nor the user, have been able to log into the forum all of a sudden.

    It asked me to run the repair an optimization tool after putting this line of code into wp-config.php:

    define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);

    It ran and came back with the following 3 things and directed me to this forum for assistance:

    wp_options: Table is marked as crashed
    wp_postmeta: 1 client is using or hasn’t closed the table properly
    wp_term_relationships: 1 client is using or hasn’t closed the table properly

    What do I need to do next to correct this?

    Thanks for your kind support.

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  • Thread Starter jasondrhodes


    I’ve managed to login as admin after changing the login details in phymyadmin.

    FYI The blog is at : http://www.sgervay.com/blog

    When I look at all the images in the blog posts in the entire blog, something has been added into the database that is putting weird code into the image and hrefs, as per below.

    <span><a rel="\"attachment" href="//www.sgervay.com/blog/2011/04/09/international-childrens-illustrator-mike-spoor-touring-oz/olympus-digital-camera-159/\""></a><a href="//www.sgervay.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/036.jpg\""><img class="\"alignleft" title="\"Mike" src="\"http://www.sgervay.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/036-300x225.jpg\"" alt="\"\"" width="\"210\"" height="\"158\"" /></a>Mike Spoor makes characters come <strong><span>alive! </span></strong></span>

    Also, it’s put a \ before any apostrophe.

    <span>Here\'s what Mike did:-</span>

    I have no idea what’s caused this, nor how to fix it. Everything else with the blog seems to be functioning, aside from the 3 tables mentioned in my first post above.

    Genuinely hoping someone can assist.

    [Please post code snippets between backticks or use the code button.]

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