• Hey. I was wondering if any other blog owners on here have any experience with the Google Adsense review process. I created my account mid august so that I could get some revenue from the small amount of traffic that my then brand new blog generated. I confirmed my email address and waited…and waited… and waited. As of today I still haven’t received an approval or a rejection. My blog doesn’t have any questionable content and I have updated it often since its creation. I’d understand if there was some hard and fast rule on what I had to do for them to know that Im serious but from what I’ve found, there is nothing.

    I was wondering what everyone else’s experience was. Did Google approve you after 1 month? 2 months? 6 months? Is there a number of posts or do I have to update every day or something?

    Also, I dont really want to do this, but is there a good alternative ad publisher who isnt going to make me wait forever?


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  • Unless it’s changed recently, there’s no Google Adsense approval. You simply register, create your ad block code, and drop it on your site.

    Thread Starter glibby


    Then it must have changed recently. Right now you register an account and provide your site’s url. The verify your email and then “review” your account which allegedly takes a week. You cant login or do anything, it just says that your application is being reviewed.

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