• Resolved Dswt



    I have integrated this plugin in my site. I have one issue that, if I register user normally from admin on wordpress.

    Then after I will try to login with facebook which use same email as we registered before.

    But plugin does not allow to auto login if email already exists it will generate new account for that.

    any idea how to do auto login without creation of new user account?

    Any help really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • Plugin Author Claude



    to use the automatic linking you need to enable the following option in the Social Login settings:

    If the user’s social network profile has a verified email, should we try to link it to an existing account?

    Please note that for security reasons works only with verified email addresses.

    Facebook provider verified email addresses, so it should work out of the box!


    Have the same problem so i actually installed a block plugin to blog traffic from east european countries, and china and asia where most bot registration seing made from

    until 3 days ago where i didnt use did block i had 50 spam registration pr day but afte i only have 5 -8 pr day – but if the bots atleast count as unique visitors this tools would be good to get free visits with πŸ˜€

    I was able to hook the login function with a little help from Claude. It is a 2 step process:

    Step #1. Immediately log the user out after creating the user (first visit only) and redirect to a page that tells the user their registration is pending. This requires the default status to be set to pending for step #2 to work otherwise they will be able to login by coming back to the login screen.

    function oa_social_logoff_after_user_insert ($user_data, $identity)

    do_action (‘wp_logout’);
    wp_redirect (‘http://yourwebsite.com/pending/’);

    add_action (‘oa_social_login_action_after_user_insert’, ‘oa_social_logoff_after_user_insert’, 10, 2);

    Step #2. Intercept the login call and check that the status is not “pending”. If pending redirect to “pending” page and skip the login. This requires replacing the main function and overriding it with an action.

    This function is an override to the login call back function (oa_social_login_callback) which controls the social login. The override function modifies the login to prohibit β€œpending” users from gaining access to the members only areas. This function is embedded in the social login initialization action (oa_social_login_init). In order to call this function, the oa_social_login_init action has to be removed and replaced by an override action (override_oa_social_login_init).

    Override Action: override_oa_social_login_init
    Override Function: override_oa_social_login_callback

    // Override the social login callback

    function override_oa_social_login_callback ()
    //Callback Handler
    if (isset ($_POST) AND !empty ($_POST [‘oa_action’]) AND $_POST [‘oa_action’] == ‘social_login’ AND !empty ($_POST [‘connection_token’]))
    //OneAll Connection token
    $connection_token = trim ($_POST [‘connection_token’]);

    //Read settings
    $settings = get_option (‘oa_social_login_settings’);

    //API Settings
    $api_connection_handler = ((!empty ($settings [‘api_connection_handler’]) AND $settings [‘api_connection_handler’] == ‘fsockopen’) ? ‘fsockopen’ : ‘curl’);
    $api_connection_use_https = ((!isset ($settings [‘api_connection_use_https’]) OR $settings [‘api_connection_use_https’] == ‘1’) ? true : false);
    $api_subdomain = (!empty ($settings [‘api_subdomain’]) ? trim ($settings [‘api_subdomain’]) : ”);

    //We cannot make a connection without a subdomain
    if (!empty ($api_subdomain))
    //See: http://docs.oneall.com/api/resources/connections/read-connection-details/
    $api_resource_url = ($api_connection_use_https ? ‘https’ : ‘http’) . ‘://’ . $api_subdomain . ‘.api.oneall.com/connections/’ . $connection_token . ‘.json’;

    //API Credentials
    $api_credentials = array ();
    $api_credentials[‘api_key’] = (!empty ($settings [‘api_key’]) ? $settings [‘api_key’] : ”);
    $api_credentials[‘api_secret’] = (!empty ($settings [‘api_secret’]) ? $settings [‘api_secret’] : ”);

    //Retrieve connection details
    $result = oa_social_login_do_api_request ($api_connection_handler, $api_resource_url, $api_credentials);

    //Check result
    if (is_object ($result) AND property_exists ($result, ‘http_code’) AND $result->http_code == 200 AND property_exists ($result, ‘http_data’))
    //Decode result
    $decoded_result = @json_decode ($result->http_data);
    if (is_object ($decoded_result) AND isset ($decoded_result->response->result->data->user))
    //User data
    $user_data = $decoded_result->response->result->data->user;

    //Social network profile data
    $identity = $user_data->identity;

    //Unique user token provided by OneAll
    $user_token = $user_data->user_token;

    //Identity Provider
    $user_identity_provider = $identity->source->name;

    $user_thumbnail = (!empty ($identity->thumbnailUrl) ? trim ($identity->thumbnailUrl) : ”);

    $user_picture = (!empty ($identity->pictureUrl) ? trim ($identity->pictureUrl) : ”);

    //About Me
    $user_about_me = (!empty ($identity->aboutMe) ? trim ($identity->aboutMe) : ”);

    $user_note = (!empty ($identity->note) ? trim ($identity->note) : ”);

    $user_first_name = (!empty ($identity->name->givenName) ? $identity->name->givenName : ”);

    $user_last_name = (!empty ($identity->name->familyName) ? $identity->name->familyName : ”);

    if (!empty ($identity->name->formatted))
    $user_full_name = $identity->name->formatted;
    elseif (!empty ($identity->name->displayName))
    $user_full_name = $identity->name->displayName;
    $user_full_name = trim ($user_first_name . ‘ ‘ . $user_last_name);

    // Email Address.
    $user_email = ”;
    if (property_exists ($identity, ’emails’) AND is_array ($identity->emails))
    $user_email_is_verified = false;
    while ($user_email_is_verified !== true AND (list(, $email) = each ($identity->emails)))
    $user_email = $email->value;
    $user_email_is_verified = ($email->is_verified == ‘1’);

    //User Website
    if (!empty ($identity->profileUrl))
    $user_website = $identity->profileUrl;
    elseif (!empty ($identity->urls [0]->value))
    $user_website = $identity->urls [0]->value;
    $user_website = ”;

    //Preferred Username
    if (!empty ($identity->preferredUsername))
    $user_login = $identity->preferredUsername;
    elseif (!empty ($identity->displayName))
    $user_login = $identity->displayName;
    $user_login = $user_full_name;

    //New user created?
    $new_registration = false;

    //Sanitize Login
    $user_login = str_replace (‘.’, ‘-‘, $user_login);
    $user_login = sanitize_user ($user_login, true);

    // Get user by token
    $user_id = oa_social_login_get_userid_by_token ($user_token);

    //Try to link to existing account
    if (!is_numeric ($user_id))
    //This is a new user
    $new_registration = true;

    //Linking enabled?
    if (!isset ($settings [‘plugin_link_verified_accounts’]) OR $settings [‘plugin_link_verified_accounts’] == ‘1’)
    //Only if email is verified
    if (!empty ($user_email) AND $user_email_is_verified === true)
    //Read existing user
    if (($user_id_tmp = email_exists ($user_email)) !== false)
    $user_data = get_userdata ($user_id_tmp);
    if ($user_data !== false)
    $user_id = $user_data->ID;
    $user_login = $user_data->user_login;

    //Refresh the meta data
    delete_metadata (‘user’, null, ‘oa_social_login_user_token’, $user_token, true);
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘oa_social_login_user_token’, $user_token);
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘oa_social_login_identity_provider’, $user_identity_provider);

    //Refresh the cache
    wp_cache_delete ($user_id, ‘users’);
    wp_cache_delete ($user_login, ‘userlogins’);

    // New User
    if (!is_numeric ($user_id))
    //Username is mandatory
    if (!isset ($user_login) OR strlen (trim ($user_login)) == 0)
    $user_login = $user_identity_provider . ‘User’;

    // BuddyPress : See bp_core_strip_username_spaces()
    if (function_exists (‘bp_core_strip_username_spaces’))
    $user_login = str_replace (‘ ‘, ‘-‘, $user_login);

    //Username must be unique
    if (username_exists ($user_login))
    $i = 1;
    $user_login_tmp = $user_login;
    $user_login_tmp = $user_login . ($i++);
    while (username_exists ($user_login_tmp));
    $user_login = $user_login_tmp;

    //Email Filter
    $user_email = apply_filters (‘oa_social_login_filter_new_user_email’, $user_email);

    //Email must be unique
    $placeholder_email_used = false;
    if (!isset ($user_email) OR !is_email ($user_email) OR email_exists ($user_email))
    $user_email = oa_social_login_create_rand_email ();
    $placeholder_email_used = true;

    //Setup the user’s password
    $user_password = wp_generate_password ();
    $user_password = apply_filters (‘oa_social_login_filter_new_user_password’, $user_password);

    //Setup the user’s role
    $user_role = get_option (‘default_role’);
    $user_role = apply_filters (‘oa_social_login_filter_new_user_role’, $user_role);

    //Build user data
    $user_fields = array (
    ‘user_login’ => $user_login,
    ‘display_name’ => (!empty ($user_full_name) ? $user_full_name : $user_login),
    ‘user_email’ => $user_email,
    ‘first_name’ => $user_first_name,
    ‘last_name’ => $user_last_name,
    ‘user_url’ => $user_website,
    ‘user_pass’ => $user_password,
    ‘role’ => $user_role

    //Filter for user_data
    $user_fields = apply_filters (‘oa_social_login_filter_new_user_fields’, $user_fields);

    //Hook before adding the user
    do_action (‘oa_social_login_action_before_user_insert’, $user_fields, $identity);

    // Create a new user
    $user_id = wp_insert_user ($user_fields);
    if (is_numeric ($user_id) AND ($user_data = get_userdata ($user_id)) !== false)
    //Refresh the meta data
    delete_metadata (‘user’, null, ‘oa_social_login_user_token’, $user_token, true);

    //Save OneAll user meta-data
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘oa_social_login_user_token’, $user_token);
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘oa_social_login_identity_provider’, $user_identity_provider);

    //Save WordPress user meta-data
    if ( ! empty ($user_about_me) OR ! empty ($user_note))
    $user_description = (! empty ($user_about_me) ? $user_about_me : $user_note);
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘description’, $user_description);

    //Email is required
    if (!empty ($settings [‘plugin_require_email’]))
    //We don’t have the real email
    if ($placeholder_email_used)
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘oa_social_login_request_email’, 1);

    //Notify Administrator
    if (!empty ($settings [‘plugin_notify_admin’]))
    oa_social_login_user_notification ($user_id, $user_identity_provider);

    //Refresh the cache
    wp_cache_delete ($user_id, ‘users’);
    wp_cache_delete ($user_login, ‘userlogins’);

    //WordPress hook
    do_action (‘user_register’, $user_id);

    //Social Login Hook
    do_action (‘oa_social_login_action_after_user_insert’, $user_data, $identity);

    // Sucess
    $user_data = get_userdata ($user_id);
    if ($user_data !== false)
    //Hooks to be used by third parties
    do_action (‘oa_social_login_action_before_user_login’, $user_data, $identity, $new_registration);

    //Update user thumbnail
    if (!empty ($user_thumbnail))
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘oa_social_login_user_thumbnail’, $user_thumbnail);

    //Update user picture
    if (!empty ($user_picture))
    update_user_meta ($user_id, ‘oa_social_login_user_picture’, $user_picture);

    // CUSTOM: Login only if User status is not “pending”
    if (isset ($user_data->roles) AND is_array ($user_data->roles) AND in_array (‘pending’, $user_data->roles))
    // echo “<p><b>You are logged out. Please try again later.</b></p>”;
    wp_redirect (‘http://yourwebsite.com/pending/&#8217;);
    // End Custom
    //Set the cookie and login
    wp_clear_auth_cookie ();
    wp_set_auth_cookie ($user_data->ID, true);
    do_action (‘wp_login’, $user_data->user_login, $user_data);

    //Where did the user come from?
    $oa_social_login_source = (!empty ($_REQUEST [‘oa_social_login_source’]) ? strtolower (trim ($_REQUEST [‘oa_social_login_source’])) : ”);

    //Use safe redirection?
    $redirect_to_safe = false;

    //Build the url to redirect the user to
    switch ($oa_social_login_source)
    //*************** Registration ***************
    case ‘registration’:
    //Default redirection
    $redirect_to = admin_url ();

    //Redirection in URL
    if (!empty ($_GET [‘redirect_to’]))
    $redirect_to = $_GET [‘redirect_to’];
    $redirect_to_safe = true;
    //Redirection customized
    if (isset ($settings [‘plugin_registration_form_redirect’]))
    switch (strtolower ($settings [‘plugin_registration_form_redirect’]))
    case ‘current’:
    $redirect_to = oa_social_login_get_current_url ();

    case ‘homepage’:
    $redirect_to = home_url ();

    case ‘custom’:
    if (isset ($settings [‘plugin_registration_form_redirect_custom_url’]) AND strlen (trim ($settings [‘plugin_registration_form_redirect_custom_url’])) > 0)
    $redirect_to = trim ($settings [‘plugin_registration_form_redirect_custom_url’]);

    case ‘dashboard’:
    $redirect_to = admin_url ();

    //*************** Login ***************
    case ‘login’:
    //Default redirection
    $redirect_to = home_url ();

    //Redirection in URL
    if (!empty ($_GET [‘redirect_to’]))
    $redirect_to = $_GET [‘redirect_to’];
    $redirect_to_safe = true;
    //Redirection customized
    if (isset ($settings [‘plugin_login_form_redirect’]))
    switch (strtolower ($settings [‘plugin_login_form_redirect’]))
    case ‘current’:

    global $pagenow;

    //Do not redirect to the login page as this would logout the user.
    if (empty ($pagenow) OR $pagenow <> ‘wp-login.php’)
    $redirect_to = oa_social_login_get_current_url ();
    //In this case just go to the home page
    $redirect_to = home_url ();

    case ‘dashboard’:
    $redirect_to = admin_url ();

    case ‘custom’:
    if (isset ($settings [‘plugin_login_form_redirect_custom_url’]) AND strlen (trim ($settings [‘plugin_login_form_redirect_custom_url’])) > 0)
    $redirect_to = trim ($settings [‘plugin_login_form_redirect_custom_url’]);

    case ‘homepage’:
    $redirect_to = home_url ();

    // *************** Comments ***************
    case ‘comments’:
    $redirect_to = oa_social_login_get_current_url () . ‘#comments’;

    //*************** Widget/Shortcode ***************
    case ‘widget’:
    case ‘shortcode’:
    // This is a new user
    $opt_key = ($new_registration === true ? ‘register’ : ‘login’);

    //Default value
    $redirect_to = oa_social_login_get_current_url ();

    //Redirection customized
    if (isset ($settings [‘plugin_shortcode_’ . $opt_key . ‘_redirect’]))
    switch (strtolower ($settings [‘plugin_shortcode_’ . $opt_key . ‘_redirect’]))
    case ‘current’:
    $redirect_to = oa_social_login_get_current_url ();

    case ‘homepage’:
    $redirect_to = home_url ();

    case ‘dashboard’:
    $redirect_to = admin_url ();

    case ‘custom’:
    if (isset ($settings [‘plugin_shortcode_’ . $opt_key . ‘_redirect_url’]) AND strlen (trim ($settings [‘plugin_shortcode_’ . $opt_key . ‘_redirect_url’])) > 0)
    $redirect_to = trim ($settings [‘plugin_shortcode_’ . $opt_key . ‘_redirect_url’]);

    //Check if url set
    if (!isset ($redirect_to) OR strlen (trim ($redirect_to)) == 0)
    $redirect_to = home_url ();

    //Filter for redirection urls
    if ($new_registration === true)
    $redirect_to = apply_filters (‘oa_social_login_filter_registration_redirect_url’, $redirect_to, $user_data);
    $redirect_to = apply_filters (‘oa_social_login_filter_login_redirect_url’, $redirect_to, $user_data);

    //Hooks for other plugins
    do_action(‘oa_social_login_action_before_user_redirect’, $user_data, $identity, $redirect_to);

    //Use safe redirection
    if ($redirect_to_safe === true)
    wp_safe_redirect ($redirect_to);
    wp_redirect ($redirect_to);
    exit ();

    // Override Initialise Phase

    function override_oa_social_login_init ()
    //Add language file.
    if (function_exists (‘load_plugin_textdomain’))
    load_plugin_textdomain (‘oa_social_login’, false, OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_BASE_PATH . ‘/languages/’);

    //Launch the override callback handler.
    override_oa_social_login_callback ();

    // Remove the base action and replace with the override action

    remove_action (‘init’, ‘oa_social_login_init’, 9);
    add_action (‘init’, ‘override_oa_social_login_init’, 9);

    Again, it is key to note that thee are only a few lines of code changed but they are in the core code which makes it risky to modify directly since it will be overwritten with new updates. This approach isolates the code in a new function then hooks into the plugin to replace the core function with the modified function.

    REMEMBER: You must hard code the URL of the Pending page in the section labeled CUSTOM. That section of code must be worked into new releases of the plugin.

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