• Resolved mathis@Tambour


    Hey everybody !
    Actually, i have a problem :

    I am creating a new wordpress theme,
    with a great theme_options,
    and i want to add a choice for google_font at
    different place.
    But i don’t want to write everytime i use the list of font.

    I am using this function :

    $this->settings['content_family'] = array(
    			'section' => 'content',
    			'title'   => __( 'Font-family' ),
    			'desc'    => __( 'Enter the font-family of your content' ),
    			'type'    => 'select',
    			'std'     => 'None',
    			'choices' => array(
    		                             'Abril Fatface'=>'Abril Fatface',

    I didn’t wrote all the list ( google_font = more than 670 font ),
    but you know where I have to put my array !!
    Hope you know how to resolve my problem !

    Thanks !

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