• samiotis


    Installed WP 2.5.1
    My theme wasn’t widgetized, so i made the recommended changes.
    Do i still need to add some code to function.php in the new WP version?
    If so, where exactly and what exactly? I tried most of what i could and read about 3 times but i still can’t get it to work.

    My sidebar markup looks like this now:

    <div id=”sidebar”>

      if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar’) )
      <?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=<h2>Categories</h2>’); ?>
    • <h2>Archives</h2>
      <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly&limit=6’); ?>
    • <h2>Meta</h2>
      <?php wp_register(); ?>

    • <?php wp_loginout(); ?>
    • WordPress
    • <?php wp_meta(); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>


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