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  • Thread Starter brunokassss


    Instead of using wp_register_sidebar_widget that can only be used once in exactly 1 of the sidebars, try to use Register Widget. It will give you a lot of work to change this but please try to change it in the next version Kieran O’Shea.

    Thread Starter brunokassss


    I find out an alternative way to add the widget more than once. For example, this is the code to add the widget once:

    // The widget to show the mini calendar
    function widget_init_events_calendar() {
      // Check for required functions
      if (!function_exists('wp_register_sidebar_widget'))
    function widget_events_calendar($args) {
        $the_title = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_title'));
        $the_cats = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_cats'));
        $widget_title = empty($the_title) ? __('Calendar','calendar') : $the_title;
        $the_events = minical($the_cats);
        if ($the_events != '') {
          echo $before_widget;
          echo $before_title . $widget_title . $after_title;
          echo $the_events;
          echo $after_widget;
    function widget_events_calendar_control() {
        $widget_title = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_title'));
        $widget_cats = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_cats'));
        if (isset($_POST['events_calendar_widget_title']) || isset($_POST['events_calendar_widget_cats'])) {
           <label for="events_calendar_widget_title"><?php _e('Title','calendar'); ?>:<br />
           <input class="widefat" type="text" id="events_calendar_widget_title" name="events_calendar_widget_title" value="<?php echo $widget_title; ?>"/></label>
           <label for="events_calendar_widget_cats"><?php _e('Comma separated category id list','calendar'); ?>:<br />
           <input class="widefat" type="text" id="events_calendar_widget_cats" name="events_calendar_widget_cats" value="<?php echo $widget_cats; ?>"/></label>
    //this widget can only be used once in exactly 1 of the sidebars
      wp_register_sidebar_widget('events_calendar',__('Calendar  Events HomePage','calendar'),'widget_events_calendar',array('description'=>'A calendar of your events in the HomePage.'));

    So what you have to do is to reapeat the same code but changing the name of the functions and the name that is in the wp_register_sidebar_widget and wp_register_widget_control, for example:

    // The widget to show todays events in the sidebar
    function widget_init_calendar_today() {
      // Check for required functions
      if (!function_exists('wp_register_sidebar_widget'))
      function widget_calendar_today($args) {
        $the_title = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_title'));
        $the_cats = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_cats'));
        $widget_title = empty($the_title) ? __('Calendar','calendar') : $the_title;
        $the_events = minical($the_cats);
        if ($the_events != '') {
          echo $before_widget;
          echo $before_title . $widget_title . $after_title;
          echo $the_events;
          echo $after_widget;
      function widget_calendar_today_control() {
        $widget_title = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_title'));
        $widget_cats = stripslashes(get_option('events_calendar_widget_cats'));
        if (isset($_POST['events_calendar_widget_title']) || isset($_POST['events_calendar_widget_cats'])) {
           <label for="events_calendar_widget_title"><?php _e('Title','calendar'); ?>:<br />
           <input class="widefat" type="text" id="events_calendar_widget_title" name="events_calendar_widget_title" value="<?php echo $widget_title; ?>"/></label>
           <label for="events_calendar_widget_cats"><?php _e('Comma separated category id list','calendar'); ?>:<br />
           <input class="widefat" type="text" id="events_calendar_widget_cats" name="events_calendar_widget_cats" value="<?php echo $widget_cats; ?>"/></label>
      wp_register_sidebar_widget('todays_events_calendar',__('Calendar  Events Main','calendar'),'widget_calendar_today',array('description'=>'A list of your events today'));

    This is not the best way to do things, but it works. I expeact the next realease of plugin cames with multiple widget.

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