• Hi,

    I’m using Zoundry software to publish post on my WP205 blog.
    Sometimes there were some problems during the posting step with Zoundry, so I had to publish the same post several times. Then I saw there were 3 identical post, so I deleted 2 of them.
    Or sometimes I just deleted one post.

    Since I’m showing the post ID beside of the post title’s, there are some discrepances between the real number of posts published and the ID of the posts.
    I have published 132 post, but if you see my blog you’ll see the ID of the last post is 147.

    So, is there a way to rebuild these ID’s on WP database ?

    Recently I had to reinstall Zoundry, and it got all the posts of the WP database with the real ID. But every time I publish post, I get a wrong ID.

    Thank you for your help!

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