• We’re running into an issue with a couple sites in our multi-site insstall that publish podcasts via WordPress.

    Some iOS users seem to be having a problem where they start playing the podcast then a minute or two in, the file jumps back to the beginning. If they try to play again, it just jumps back again.

    I posted a request for help on Apple’s podcast forum and have stumbled on an issue with “byte-range requests”. Apparently Apple recently started requiring that web servers publishing podcasts must support byte-range requests.

    My web server DOES support byte-range requests, but something about the way WordPress serves the files is interfering.

    Here’s the thread in the Apple support forum: https://discussions.apple.com/message/20037151#20037151

    I found a trouble ticket submitted to WordPress about this (http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15552) but it’s a couple years old and at the time they declined to work on it.

    We’re already getting a lot of complaints about this. It seems to happen more frequently to iOS 6 users, but it seems like it could happen to anyone accessing an audio or video file served via WordPress on a Mac, iPhone or iPad.

    Is anyone else running into this? Has anyone found a solution yet? Any chance the WP team would reconsider rolling a fix into the next core update?

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  • Same problem here. Submitting a new RSS feed for a podcast hosted on WordPress via podpress shows an error stating there was a problem with the feed and that our server doesn’t support byte-range requests (which it does) Any ideas?

    Thread Starter VFHwebdev


    We ended up moving all our audio files out of WordPress and hosting them through SoundCloud.

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