• I imported my MY blog into a WP installation a few months ago as a test. I now want to import all the entires I made on my MT blog since then into the WP blog. Can I just use the import script again? Or do I have to trim the MY export file again? Or do I need to delete all entries from my WP test blog and do a full import?

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  • You can run the import script again, as it does not re-import already imported entries.
    So go ahead and run it again 🙂

    I’m in the process of migrating a multi-author blog (about 40 at current count, but only about 30 of them are regulars), and re-importing doesn’t seem to work as well as other folks here like to think 🙂
    I have tried re-importing updated data a couple of times, and while it doesn’t write over anything that’s already in the tables, it has not, as yet, successfully imported the new entries correctly.
    What I’ve seen happen is new entries being imported get assigned to a different author, or assigned to no one at all, not even site admin. This is where not having a site admin user with the ability to reassign authors or update author info in the tables becomes a royal pain.
    My only way around it has been to empty all the tables and reimport, which effectively destroys all the changes I had to make in phpMyAdmin to add info to the author tables (first name, last name, email, url).
    Stating for the record now, I’m not looking forward to doing it again when the final cutover is approved by the site’s main editor.
    I also realize that this situation is unique, so don’t consider this a dig on WP in any fashion… just minor nits.

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