• Hello everyone !!
    I am creating an online writting community , and i want to to create a page where people would go and write articles and then publish them into the categories that i have on my website , is there any plugin that can do this ? thanks

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  • Gravity Forms is probably the best for this. It has the ability to create a post when the form is submitted and set the necessary categories, tags, author, etc.

    Thread Starter Youniben


    How about TDO Mini Forms ?? which one is better ?¿

    Why not set users up as “users” in WordPress and set the permissions for their role such that the content is not published until approved by a user with “Editor” or “admin” role?

    Thread Starter Youniben


    i want to set up a page that looks pretty much like this :
    can i do this with gravity forms ?

    Thread Starter Youniben


    Hey i found this : http://opnpress.sofarider.com/wp-content/themes/sofa_opnpress/add_media_screen.php
    I have the code for this Form , but how i am i gonna add this to my Template ?? i want to integrate it to my template

    $this_file = str_replace( '\\', '/', __FILE__ );
    $this_file = explode( 'wp-content', $this_file );
    $this_file = $this_file[ 0 ];
    // required for making tables easier
    require_once( $this_file . 'wp-config.php' );
    // alternative
    //require_once( '../../../wp-config.php' );
    header( 'Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' );
    header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' );
    header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' );
    header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false );
    header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="content" class="fullwidth">
    	<div class="article">
    // check whether logged user is really this post author...not really necessary but we must be sure, shit happens.
    global $user_ID;
    // get options
    $aOptions          = SofaOpnPress::initOptions( false );
    $entrycurrency     = $aOptions[ 'entrycurrency' ];
    $entryprice        = ( strlen( $aOptions[ 'entryprice' ] ) > 0 ) ? stripslashes( floatval( $aOptions[ 'entryprice' ] ) ) : 0;
    $entryallowgmap    = $aOptions[ 'entryallowgmap' ];
    $can_buy_entry = FALSE;
    //query current balance
    $cb = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT deposit FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID = $user_ID" );
    if( $cb == NULL && $entryprice == 0 ) $cb = 0;
    // check whether there's enough deposit
    if( $cb >= $entryprice ) $can_buy_entry = TRUE;
    if( '' != $user_ID && $can_buy_entry ) {
        <h1><?php _e( 'Publish New', "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></h1>
        <div id="feedback">
        <span><?php if( $entryprice > 0 ) { _e( "Your Deposit will be charged", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?> <?php echo $entrycurrency . ' ' . number_format( $entryprice, 2, '.', ',' ); ?><br /> <?php } ?></span>
        <span><?php _e( "NOTE: Be sure all fields marked with * are filled. Otherwise your Entry will not be accepted!", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>
        <form method="post" id="collectform" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo ( get_bloginfo( 'template_directory' ) . '/add_media_save.php' ); ?>">
        <div class="formblock615">
    	<p class="wide">
    	<label for="entrytitle">* <?php _e( "Entry title:", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></label>
    	<input type="text" name="entrytitle" id="entrytitle" size="50" value="" tabindex="1" />
        <div class="wide">
        <textarea id="entrydetails" name="entrydetails"></textarea>
        <h4><?php _e( "Allowed tags", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></h4>
        <p class="wide"><?php echo allowed_tags(); ?> <object> <embed> <param> <h2> <pre> <ul> <li></p>
        <div class="formblock305">
    	<p class="narrow">
    	<label for="entrytags">* <?php _e( "Entry tags comma separated; tag1, tag2, ...", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></label>
    	<input type="text" name="entrytags" id="entrytags" size="50" value="" tabindex="3" />
        <p class="narrow">
    	<label for="entrycat">* <?php _e( "Entry category:", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></label>
    	$select = wp_dropdown_categories( 'show_option_none=Select&show_count=0&orderby=name&echo=0&hide_empty=0' );
    	$select = preg_replace( '|<select(.*?).*?>|i', '<select id="entrycat" name="entrycat" tabindex="4">', $select );
    	echo $select;
    	<p class="narrow">
    	<label for="entryImage"><?php _e( "Upload file:", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></label>
    	<input type="file" name="entryImage" id="entryImage" value="" tabindex="5" />
    	<p class="narrow">
    	<label for="entryURL" ><?php _e( "Link to Website:", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></label>
    	<input type="text" name="entryURL" id="entryURL" value="http://" tabindex="6" />
    	if( $entryallowgmap == 'yes' ) {
    		echo '<p class="narrow">';
    		echo '<label for="gmap">' . __( "Address for GoogleMaps:", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</label>';
    		echo '<input type="text" name="gmap" id="gmap" value="" tabindex="7" />';
    		echo '</p>';
    	<p class="narrow">
    	$val_1 = rand( '1', '10' );
    	$val_2 = rand( '1', '10' );
        <span class="labelplus"><?php _e( "Are you a human?", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>
    	<label for="spam" class="stronger">* <?php echo $val_1 . ' + ' . $val_2 . ' = ?'; ?>
    	<input type="text" name="spam" id="spam" size="2" value="" tabindex="8" /></label>
    	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="wp_handle_upload" />
    	<input type="hidden" name="val_1" value="sofax<?php echo $val_1; ?>" />
    	<input type="hidden" name="val_2" value="sofay<?php echo $val_2; ?>" />
    	<?php wp_nonce_field( 'sofarider' ); ?>
    	<input type="hidden" name="sofa" id="sofa" value="rider" />
        <button type="submit" id="sbmt" value="Submit" tabindex="9"><?php _e( "SUBMIT", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></button>
        } elseif( '' == $user_ID ) {
            echo( '<p>' . __( "You must be registered/logged user!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</p>' );
        } elseif( '' != $user_ID && !$can_buy_entry ) {
            echo( '<p>' . __( "You can not add new Entry", "sofa_opnpress" ) . ', ' . __( "deposit too small!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</p>' );
    // messages
    $msg_all_OK       = '<span>' . __( "Entry successfully saved!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</span>'; // 1
    $msg_all_OK_autop = '<span>' . __( "Entry successfully saved!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</span><span>' . __( "NOTE: Entry will be visible upon Admin approval!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</span>'; // 2
    $msg_db_error     = '<span>' . __( "Entry can not be saved, database error.", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</span>'; // 3
    $msg_privilege    = '<span>' . __( "You don't have a permission to perform such action!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</span>'; // 4
    $msg_big_file     = '<span>' . __( "Uploaded file size too big, file not uploaded!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</span>'; // 5
    $msg_wrong_mime   = '<span>' . __( "Uploaded file format/mime-type not supported, file not uploaded!", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</span>'; // 6
    $unhide_form      = '<span><a id=\'unhideform\' href=\'#\'>' . __( "Resume Information", "sofa_opnpress" ) . '</a></span>';
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery( function() {
              jQuery( '#collectform' ).ajaxForm( {
                beforeSubmit: ShowRequest,
                success: SubmitSuccesful,
                error: AjaxError
              } );
            } );            
            function ShowRequest( formData, jqForm, options ) {
    			jQuery( '#collectform' ).fadeOut();
    			var bodyelem = '';
    			if( jQuery.browser.safari ) bodyelem = jQuery( 'body' ); // only Opera specific
    			else bodyelem = jQuery( 'html' );
    			jQuery( bodyelem ).animate( { scrollTop: jQuery( '#header' ).offset().top }, 'slow' );
    			jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( '<span><?php _e( "Processing Entry...", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>' );
            	return true;
            function AjaxError() {
            	jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( '<span><?php _e( "We were unable to process your entry! The system responded with error.", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>' );
            function SubmitSuccesful( responseText, statusText ) {
    			jQuery( '#feedback' ).addClass( 'highlighted' );
    			var stripped_response = parseInt( responseText.replace( /(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '' ) );
    			if( stripped_response == '10' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<?php echo $msg_all_OK; ?>" + "<span><?php _e( "Redirecting...", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>" );
    			else if( stripped_response == '20' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<?php echo $msg_all_OK_autop; ?>" + "<span><?php _e( "Redirecting...", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>" );
    			else if( stripped_response == '3' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<?php echo $msg_db_error; ?>" );
    			else if( stripped_response == '4' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<?php echo $msg_privilege; ?>" );
    			else if( stripped_response == '5' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<?php echo $msg_big_file; ?>" );
    			else if( stripped_response == '6' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<?php echo $msg_wrong_mime; ?>" );
    			else if( stripped_response == '11' || stripped_response == '21' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<span><?php echo $msg_big_file . __( "<br />Redirecting...", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>" );
    			else if( stripped_response == '12' || stripped_response == '22' ) jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( "<span><?php echo $msg_wrong_mime . __( "<br />Redirecting...", "sofa_opnpress" ); ?></span>" );
    			else {
    				jQuery( '#feedback' ).html( responseText + "<?php echo $unhide_form; ?>" );
    				jQuery( '#unhideform' ).click( function() {
    					jQuery( '#collectform' ).fadeIn();
    					jQuery( this ).fadeOut();
    					return false;
    				} );
    			if( stripped_response == '10' || stripped_response == '20' || stripped_response == '11' || stripped_response == '21' || stripped_response == '12' || stripped_response == '22' ) {
    				window.location.replace( "<?php echo get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/?author=' . $user_ID; ?>" );
    			setTimeout( function() { jQuery( '#feedback' ).removeClass( 'highlighted' ); }, 5000 );
    		jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    			jQuery( '#entrydetails' ).markItUp( myHtmlSettings );
    			jQuery( 'a[title="Preview"]' ).trigger( 'mousedown' );
    		} );
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

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