• Hi,

    I have installed the plugin Custom Field Suite from here: uproot.us

    I have added icon_1 and text_1 and using the following code to try to out put my icon and text but nothing gets output

     * Displays the featured icon and title
    global $cfs;
    $list = array();
    echo $cfs->get("text_1");
    foreach ( range( 1, 40 ) as $i ) {
    if ( ! $href = $cfs->get("icon_$i"))
    $icontext = $cfs->get("text_$i");
    $list[] = "<li><h2>$icontext</h2><img src='$href' width='235' height='176' alt='' /></a></li>";
    if ( $list )
    echo implode( "\n", $list );?>
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