• Hello,

    I know this question has been asked lots and I have been searching and trying out all the solutions. Still no luck with my issue mind.

    I have created a custom meta box called subtitle and added the tinymce to this box so I can have line breaks and web links if needed. However in the admin area the meta box displays a space between lines – great. But on the front-end it shows a space between lines in the code but has not put them in two <p> tags. Thus no actual line break:-

    My functions.php

    function my_tinymce_config( $init ) {
        $init['remove_linebreaks'] = false;
        $init['convert_newlines_to_brs'] = true;
        //$init['remove_redundant_brs'] = false;
    	$init['force_p_newlines'] = true;
    	//$init['apply_source_formatting'] = true;
        return $init;
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'my_tinymce_config');

    My custom meta box html:-

    <div class="metaarea">
    		$config = array(
    		"editor_selector" => "tinymce_data"
    		wp_tiny_mce( false, $config);
    	  tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, "subtitle");
    	<label for="subtitle">Heading for the second coloured strip:</label>
    	<textarea type="text" id="subtitle" name="subtitle"><?php echo $subtitle; ?></textarea>

    How I called the information:-
    <p><?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'subtitle', TRUE); ?></p>

    What the source code on the page shows:-

    <p>First line of text.
    Second line of text</p>

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