• My WP is 3.4.1. My phpBB is 3.0.10. My PHP Single Sign On is 0.8.7.
    My WP path is “/”. My phpBB path is “/phpbb/”.
    All files has been copied to correct folders. All fields has been filled correct values.
    Now information table prints:
    Wordpress Path Variable phpbb/ OK
    Auth Mode wpbb wpbb OK
    auth_wpbb.php 0 0.8.7 Error
    common.php 0 0.8.7 Error
    common-orig.php – Original OK
    posting.php Да Да OK
    functions_user.php Да Да OK

    If I click on the “Install” button for error files, then plugin deletes it.

    Also plugin says:
    This file must be copied from to W:\home\mydomain\www\phpbb\includes\auth/auth_wpbb.php
    This file must be copied from to W:\home\domain\www\phpbb/common.php
    But these files exists in that folders.

    What is the problem?


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  • I am having the same issue with the same set up

    As for common.php – I changed the original common.php to common-orig.php and uploaded the supplied common.php to the root of my /forum When I view the forum I get this error
    “Warning: include(./common.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/34/d173031521/htdocs/FLI-FINAL/forum/index.php on line 20

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘./common.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php5′) in /homepages/34/d173031521/htdocs/FLI-FINAL/forum/index.php on line 20

    Fatal error: Call to a member function session_begin() on a non-object in /homepages/34/d173031521/htdocs/FLI-FINAL/forum/index.php on line 24″

    If I copy the original Common.php from the WP install it fixes reverts back to the original.

    And when I copy auth_wpbb.php to includes/auth/ I get this error
    “[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/common.php(87) : eval()’d code on line 479: include_once(./includes/auth/auth_wpbb.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
    [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/common.php(87) : eval()’d code on line 479: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘./includes/auth/auth_wpbb.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php5′)”

    It will also delete itself when I choose the INSTALL butoon in the WP settings for PHPBB Options. In that same page everything is marked as ‘OK’ except for Auth Mode which never seems to change to OK.

    What the hell am I doing wrong?

    I’m having a problem with these two files as well: the Options page shows that the versions of both files are 0.8.7, but the RECOMMENDED version is 0, and thus it shows them both being in error.

    Hmmm, and oddly, the plugin does seem to be working properly, despite the errors… it just puts an “Installation is almost complete” at the top of the page for everyone who logs in.

    Also plugin says:
    This file must be copied from to W:\home\mydomain\www\phpbb\includes\auth/auth_wpbb.php
    This file must be copied from to W:\home\domain\www\phpbb/common.php
    But these files exists in that folders

    I noticed that there’s no information in this (on my install too) showing where you are supposed to copy the files FROM!

    They’re hiding in the plugins folder in wp-content, in ‘Files’.

    That didn’t solve my problem on it’s own though – it’s still broken!

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