• I have a custom theme, which placed an extra section in the admin left hand menu. When I added a page to this section it used to give me a chance to choose a custom theme. This option under page attributes has now disappeared.

    I have read the other suggestions re; getting your custom templates to show under page attributes, i.e;
    – install WordPress on a different server
    – unactivated the theme and reactivated it

    neither of these has solved my problem.

    Any ideas on what might have changed, & more importantly how i can fix this?

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  • Can you verify that the “Page Attributes” meta box is enabled on the edit page screen, by clicking the “Screen Options” tab, and ensuring that the “Page Attributes” checkbox is checked?

    Thread Starter photoJoe


    yes I can see the “Page Attributes” box when i go to edit a page. I can enter a number and if i switch ‘hierarchical’ => true, I get a drop down box so I can put a page under a parent.

    But no template option.

    Where do you switch “hierarichal => true”? That’s not core functionality.

    Can you replicate the problem with:

    1. ALL Plugins disabled
    2. Twenty Eleven Theme active

    Thread Starter photoJoe


    “hierarichal => true” is in the functions.php file

    & if i switch over to Twenty Eleven Theme I do not see the new section with the pages in I wish to set templates for.

    i will try ALL Plugins disabled.

    I’m sorry; I’m not following either of these:

    “hierarichal => true” is in the functions.php file

    As a part of what function? Without relevant context, it’s impossible to know what’s going on.

    & if i switch over to Twenty Eleven Theme I do not see the new section with the pages in I wish to set templates for.

    What new section? Are you not using Dashboard -> Pages to edit pages/page attributes?

    Thread Starter photoJoe


    the site does use Dashboard -> Pages but the theme has extra sections (under comments, 3 new sections i.e. Dashboard -> Our People). These new sections have been added in functions.php – which sits in top level of the theme folder.

    Our People did have the option to select a custom template 6wks ago, but just gone in to add a new page to this section and now this page attribute option has gone. & i can’t see why.

    in trying to figure out what is wrong I did find a ref to “hierarichal => true” on this page; http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type

    Thread Starter photoJoe


    i tried ALL Plugins disabled – but no luck here, still no sign of my templates ;(

    found ref to resetting the permalinks, but again this didn’t work. Also found Ticket #12759 (closed defect (bug): fixed) which talks about page-attributes & custom templates being only available to

    Show page template dropdown only for pages

    my extra section is set as a page type.

    Thread Starter photoJoe


    it says on this page

    ‘page-attributes’ (template and menu order) (hierarchical must be true) (the page template selector is only available for the page post type)

    Thread Starter photoJoe


    almost had it working! But no ;(

    I changed register_post_type( 'ompage',
    to register_post_type( 'page',
    and this had the template option appear, but it renamed Dashboard -> Pages to Dashboard -> Office Manual Pages & I did not get my new section. Just Pages in two places.

    I have 'capability_type' => 'page', – so it should work. Or can you ONLY have one set of pages in a theme?

    here is the whole part of the code;

    /* Office Manual Pages */
    function my_post_type_om() {
    	register_post_type( 'ompage',
    				'label' => __('Office Manual Pages'),
    				'singular_label' => __('Page Item', 'theme1509'),
    				'_builtin' => false,
    				'public' => true,
    				'show_ui' => true,
    				'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
    				'hierarchical' => true,
    				'capability_type' => 'page',
    				'menu_icon' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/images/icon_portfolio.png',
    				'rewrite' => array(
    					'slug' => 'page-view',
    					'with_front' => FALSE,
    				'supports' => array(
    	register_taxonomy('pagemanual_category', 'manual', array('hierarchical' => true, 'label' => 'Office Manual', 'singular_name' => 'Category', "rewrite" => true, "query_var" => true));

    Yeah, you’re going to have problems/unintended consequences if you try to register_post_type( 'page' ), since that is already a core post type.

    Be sure to use your own, unique slug for your custom post type. I would stick with 'ompage'.

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