• thadb


    I’m using the Auto Post Thumbnail plugin to use the first image in the post as the thumbnail, when the feature image does not exist. The images are URLs to a WordPress.org blog that we have and for the most part the plugin works great, but for some reason, we have some images in those posts that the plugin does not parse out correctly. In particular, it doesn’t strip out any arguments that might be tacked on to the end of the filename. WordPress.org puts arguments at the end of filename like this…

    <img src="http://www.domain.com/images/myimage.jpg?w=300&h=298" alt="" width="300" height="298" />

    So, the plugin doesn’t chop of the “?w=300…” after the file extenstion and it fails. Anyone know how to fix this or know of a better plugin?

    From what I gather, this seems to be the function the plugin uses to fetch the image…

     * Function to fetch the image from URL and generate the required thumbnails
    function apt_generate_post_thumb($matches, $key, $post_content, $post_id)
        // Make sure to assign correct title to the image. Extract it from img tag
        $imageTitle = '';
        preg_match_all('/<\s*img [^\>]*title\s*=\s*[\""\']?([^\""\'>]*)/i', $post_content, $matchesTitle);



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