• Hey guys,

    I wanted to change my site permalinks from /%category%/%postname%/ to just /%postname%/ but keep the Facebook and Twitter share and like count?

    Did a quick test and the counts went to 0 even though the old urls 301 redirect to the new ones. I would think it would be possible as most urls shared on twitter are bit.ly redirects anyway?

    Most of the counts I have are from twitter and a few from facebook. I am also using the sharebar plugin.

    Would appreciate any help what to do!

    Cheers thanks so much for the help 🙂

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  • Thread Starter fatcowbusiness


    P.S. This guy Dave Ward’s article is the closest I have seen but this isn’t satisfactory for us so wondering is there a better solution in 2012?


    I have the same question. In fact, I already changed my naming scheme from the default (pageID) to the post name. So some pages in my blog that had hundreds of likes, now have zero. I would love to find a plugin that allowed to both to be counted for the same page, since the pageID URL is the same as the page’s name. Sigh. It’s sort of starting all over… in a way. Because with the pages all resetting to zero, it appears no one likes anything, lol. And when I re-share an older piece, it is not as effective when it has (seemingly) no activity in social media.

    Actually, I’m reading the link you dropped, and this might be helpful. I will try it (may need a day or so as I’m busy) and will report back.

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