• I’m trying to use


    but it doesn’t work (425860927 is the id of the twitter user). How do I use it like this?

    I tried to amend functions.php to take a Twitter user name as it makes more sense but that only changed the View more tweets link to the username ; my amended function is/ was

    		//get tweets by name
    			$user = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare('
    				SELECT twitter_user_id, screen_name, name, num_friends, num_followers, num_tweets, registered, url, description, location, avatar
    				FROM '.HL_TWITTER_DB_PREFIX.'users
    				WHERE screen_name=%s
    				LIMIT 1
    			', $twitter_user_id));
    			$single_user = ($wpdb->num_rows==1) ? true : false;
    			if($single_user) $query_args['twitteruserid'] = $user->twitter_user_id;
    			echo $user->twitter_user_id;

    and then the normal code on the other side of the if..else. followed by

    //if($single_user) $query_args['twitteruserid'] = $twitter_user_id;
    	$query = hl_twitter_build_tweets_query_object($query_args);

    Any ideas how make this work?



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