• Hello mighty wordpress users!
    I’m so happy with wordpress, however the idea of wp-pagenavi is not suitable for my SEO logic. WordPress is a dynamic system yes, but our page numbers do not need to be dynamic also.
    What I’m tryign to say is, why wordpress is paging our page numbers starting from 1 ? Its not alright for SEO because Google doesn’t index page numbers with this way.
    Lets check my website, criticalstriker.com or any magazine/blog website.
    My pagination starts from 1 to 20. However, Google doesn’t index my navigation pages. Because of the structure that Google applies to indexing “first comes first serve”.
    However, if it was starting from 20 and decreases to 1, it would be great because Google would index my navigation pages.
    I’m asking is there a plugin or function for that.
    Dont tell me make your order sequence as ASCENDING. I tried it but it does not work.
    Also, don’t tell me that its impossible, because I saw a website that uses wordpress has the same structure Im talking about.
    Here, check this out : http://izismile.com/
    Best regards,
    Doğan Kutbay

    [please allow more time to get a reply – don’t bump]

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