• I viewed my site using my mobile web browser and my site is a blank page with this text
    “window.location.href=window.location.href ;}” and also a link at the bottom saying “view non mobile site”

    I am using wp touch but I have disabled this for now as I thought that was the problem but it seems my site is automatically on a mobile version even though I now don’t have any mobile plugins activated at all.

    I don’t understand why this has happened which seems to be a default thing which I can’t find a way to remove this.

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  • After deactivating WPTouch, make sure you have fully cleared the browser cache on your device.

    Providing a site link would help…

    Also, what device and what browser?

    WPTouch includes many user agent strings but if your browser/device is not in the list add the user agent string (if compatable).

    How does site appear on other devices?

    Hi Nicole,

    Do you happen to have buddypress-mobile installed as well? Or do you have a cache plugin running on your website? If so, please try deactivating buddypress-mobile. If it’s not a plugin you’re running but are using a cache plugin, please add the list of WPtouch’s mobile user agents in the ‘rejected user agents’ area of the cache plugin.

    Thanks SwansonPhotos

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