• I cannot access my blogs at:

    Ira Krakow’s Newswire


    Stupid WordPress Tricks

    both hosted at Network Solutions, Incorporated, since 9pm EST. It’s now 4 am EST and the blogs are still down. I don’t know if my blog(s) has/have been hacked or my Web site is part of a more general outage. Could anyone try to get to my sites?

    I have a more general question – where can I run a secure WordPress blog? I’m using Version 2.0.1 (the one before the latest security patches, I think that’s the version), with the MW theme. Is this the best combination, for security?

    I have tried to work with Network Solutions to fix this, but have not had any success so far. Here’s my story:

    I called NSI three times. The first time, the support person entered my problem into the support database, gave me a ticket number, and said I would be contacted in “1 to 3 days”.

    That was not satisfactory to me. I called again, got another support person, who said I would be contacted in 24 hours. I asked him to get to my site (he’s in the Philippines), and he was able to get to it. That’s why I’d like you to see if you can access my blogs.

    By this time, I thought it would be good to ftp my files from their server, but discovered that the ftp site was down too. So I called Network Solutions back to add that piece of information to the problem ticket. I gave them the IP address I was trying to ftp to, and they said it was being worked on. They knew about the IP address and used the word “emergency” – which is why I think my site was attacked. It could be, of course, part of a more general attack on Network Solutions’ Web server.

    I am not satisfied with their response. I think 3 days (perhaps more?) of downtime is too long. Is that a reasonable expectation? That’s why I’m asking if there are more reliable alternatives.

    Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

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  • loaded fine here.

    Thread Starter irakrakow



    Whare are you? That may be important because the first support person couldn’t load it and the second one could.

    Tampa Florida

    Your site seems to be running fine for me.
    I’m in Toronto, Canada

    But, yes… 3 days waiting for support is way to long

    Your best combination will always be the latest versions of software. But having a good host is part of that. I would advise that you move as soon as you can.

    3 days is ridiculous.

    I’m in the UK and I see both sites.

    midwest, USA. I see neither.

    A traceroute times out from me at the 4th hop: (thats not a NetSol issue). That IP belongs to ATT

    Typically, when a site is reachable by some and not others its related to router issues rather than host issues.

    My guess is thats the case here.

    If youre ever curious:


    I can access both of your sites fine from India.

    > That’s why I’m asking if there are more reliable alternatives.

    I think you should go for a virtual private server with true virtualization if you want security as well as full control of your system (incl. rebooting your vps).

    [Moderated – please do not post affiliate links unless you also disclose that it is indeed such a link]

    Thread Starter irakrakow


    Everyone, thanks for your help. You’ve given me valuable information. I called Network Solutions (a 4th time, now) to give them the information you posted. The problem, they told me, is related to my ISP (Comcast) and Network Solutions.

    I believe “whoami” was trying to hit my blog from a Comcast account and everyone else used a non-Comcast account. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    They have escalated the problem to urgent. With a big hosting provider like Network Solutions you can be treated like a tiny minnow in a huge lake.

    I’ve had no problem in convincing several of my clients to drop NetSol like a bad habit…

    I don’t know what your “security” issues are specifically, but you seem to be concerned with that. If I were you, I’d jump the NetSol ship though.

    Personally, I use GoDaddy. I love them – have been using them for 10 years now, and for ONE 30-minute period during that 10 years did my sites go down, and it had something to do with them upgrading the servers or something minor like that.

    Whatever you do, get out of NetSol and don’t go to Yahoo either.

    (To answer your questions though – I’m in Upstate NY, using Firefox on Windows XP and accessing via RoadRunner – Time Warner Cable’s hish-speed cable connection)

    Indeed, i am on Comcast.

    Thread Starter irakrakow


    The problem has been resolved. Network Solutions and Comcast now are friends again. Thank you for your prompt response, which I think contributed to their prompt action.

    This is what makes this forum so valuable.

    There are much better deals/priciing, and much better >service< providers…


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