• The following URL for one of my blog posts no longer works:


    When I try to access the post I get a File Not Found error. When I look for the post within Manage it’s there & I can access the Edit version, but not the View version.

    Carthik Sharma thinks the trailing “-” might be the problem (though I know for a fact that I have in the past been able to access this post).

    Do I have any other recourse than changing the slug? And do you think that would work?

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  • another of your post with a trailing – is not working: http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2004/02/29/kubota-gardens-/

    so i think it is due to that and changing the post slug might work.

    Check if your permalinks are proper. If needed, regenerate them and check.

    Try changing the post slugs as a last option.

    Thread Starter richards1052


    abhideydas: That was a great catch. Do you know how I can search for all other post slugs that might end in a trailing hyphen?

    i don’t know how you can search the post slugs. may be there’s a plugin.

    You’d really only be able to do this with a MySQL tool (i.e. phpMyAdmin or the like). Here’s the query to pull them up:

    SELECT ID, post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name REGEXP '-$';

    Thread Starter richards1052


    Thanks Kafkaesqui. MySQL is not one of my strong suits but I think I might be able to manage it.

    What’s odd about this behavior is that the trailing hyphen slugs were created when I imported my old blog posts into my new WP blog installation. All of the trailing hyphen posts resolved correctly for quite some time after I moved my blog to WP. I’m guessing that perhaps one of the upgrades (2.0?) created this conflict somehow.

    I’ve tried using the Manage Search feature and found quite a number of the trailing hyphen post slugs. But I know there are more out there.

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