• HI everyone,

    Ive an old sioite that i’ve juste migrate to wordpress.
    This oldsite use to have a page fucntionaing like this:
    rider.php/firstname lastname-id

    It take the id to search the rider and dispaly the carachetristic of the rider

    In the equivalent wordpress I do create a rider page
    the body of this page is made of a php inclusion of the old equivalent page.

    For the moment the page work correctly with these kind of url

    But for my seo I’d like to have this wordpress page url look the same way the old page does:
    /wordpress/rider/firstname lastname-id
    /wordpress/rider/john Doe-55

    But I keep getting a 404 error

    I try these htaccess rule without any success: (I’m not an expert in htaccess rewrite rule)
    RewriteRule ^/wordpress/rider/(.*)-([0-9]*)$ /wordpress/rider/$2 [L]
    RewriteRule ^/wordpress/rider/(.*)-([0-9]*)$ /wordpress/rider?idpeople=$2 [L]

    Do I have in mind an htaccess rewrite rule that can do the trick?
    Or do I ‘ll need to use a special plugin ?

    Any help would be appreciated!


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