• Is there a way of actually disabling the RSS feed completely ?
    I will be starting another weblog, but it will have much longer articles in it, and the frequency of publishing it to it will be lower – maybe only 2 articles / month.
    If someone subcribes the feed as it is to something like Bloglines, or a desktop newsreader, they will be pulling in the same data repeatedly for no benefit to them, yet at a bandwidth cost to me.
    So I’d like to kill it off – not just hide / disguise the link.
    I know that the risk of repeat visitors just to see if there is a new post will also affect b/w, but again, I plan to have a date set for the next article which will go against that. Also, that risk depends on someone taking the time to click a link. Once someone has subbed your blog to a service, it goes automatically.
    (and on a side note, has anyone seen anything about discovering who *is* taking your feed ? and how often ? Server logs tell you so much, but not always everything. I search on this regularly, but have yet to find anything.)

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