• Several bugs but the author seems to have disappeared.

    Makes a call to wp-admin/page.php which doesn’t exist. (should be post.php)

    Makes multiple entries of policy pages if you’re not real carefull.

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  • I’m using it on several blogs with no such errors.

    I am using WordPress 3.1.4 and WP-Policies still will not display the policy on the pages in the wp-static-footer() function in my footer.php

    I ensured the html shortcodes are not parsing into the page causing a blank page.

    I have already replaced all php short opentags from the plugin as stated here.


    I have already fixed the manage page function in admin as stated here

    Only problems are the blank policy pages.

    OK here is the fix for WP-Policies to make it work with WordPress 3

    Edit wp-content/plugins/wp-policies/static.php

    Find and replace all in static.php (ignore the quotes)


    with this

    <?php echo *space*” (Don’t forget the space after echo to keep the echo from running together with the next word.)

    Then follow the instructions here to get the admin working.

    Then find this text

    if( strpos( $content, $tag ) == false ) { #Do nothing;
    			} else {
    			return str_replace( $tag, static_html($k), $content );

    replace with this text

    if( strpos( $content, $tag ) === false ) { #Do nothing;
    			} else {
    			echo $content = str_replace( $tag, static_html($k), $content );
    			return $content;

    This works for me YMMV, can you let me know if this works for you?

    With your fix my pages are still empty. The shortcode does not get parsed through.
    Anyone an idea?

    I have problem, I wanted to add meta-tags, to pages. I edited Anti Spam Policy in pages editor, and added meta-tag, now Anti Spam just vanished from the footer.

    I just updated page.
    How to put it back ? Please help.

    I made all changes mentioned above, now Manage link works, but displaying is not good, if I edit, it disappears.

    Ok solved, I added <!– ……dat –> part to pages and now its all fine !

    Sorry I’m not able to edit above posts ..

    I now have other issue, after all changes made, I have double :(, everything is double, and when I put back old file, then all changed, edited, with meta-tags are empty, other untouched are ok.

    Noticed it is confclit with SexyBookmarks Buttons, Shareholic, … once I put Disable SexyBookmarks on this page, it is empty, if I enable, its there.

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