• ds1970


    Could anyone help me with my image map issues? I’ve been all over google and couldn’t find any help. When I opened up an html file locally with this code and with my image saved locally, it worked fine. I also tried using the url of the image that’s saved on the server. that didn’t work and it’s not working with the tinyurl image either. Any ideas why it was able to work locally, but not when on my website? thanks. Below is the code (the href url’s aren’t complete links; i just used them for the forum). thanks.

    <map name=”Followicons” id=”Followicons”>

    <area alt=”RSS” shape=”rect” coords=”11,101,140,149″ href=”http://feeds.feedburner.com&#8221; />

    <area alt=”Twitter” shape=”rect” coords=”141,101,270,149″ href=”http://twitter.com&#8221; />


    <img src=”http://oi53.tinypic.com/vdfhqp.jpg&#8221; alt=”Follow Icons” usemap=”#Followicons” />

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