• Hey,

    I”m using the plugin Featured articles Lite and have changed it around a bit on the page http://futuresteel.com/new-home-page.html .

    The problem with it is that I can’t figure out how to change the order of the pages on the right hand side.

    The code that sets them up in an array is

    <div id="d_display_pages"<?php if( $saved_settings['displayed_content']!=2 ):?> style="display:none;"<?php endif;?>>
    	       <label for="display_pages" title="<?php _e('Choose pages to be displayed in slider. Hold down CTRL key to select multiple pages');?>"><?php _e('Display pages');?>:</label>
    	       <div class="FA_input">
    				<select name="display_pages[]" id="display_pages" multiple="multiple" size="7" style="height:auto;">
    				    <option value="" <?php if(!$saved_settings['display_pages'][0]):?>selected="selected"<?php endif;?>>All</option>
    				        $pages = get_pages();
    				        foreach ($pages as $page):
    				            $selected = in_array($page->ID,$saved_settings['display_pages']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    				    <option value="<?php echo $page->ID;?>" <?php echo $selected;?>><?php echo $page->post_title;?></option>
    				    <?php endforeach;?>

    but my php knowledge is limited and I can’t figure out how to reorder the pages. Does any one know how I could just replace all of this with something setting the $selected as page number, name, link, image, etc?

    Any suggestions are welcome. I’m kind of lost here.


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