• Resolved dzirkelb


    I am trying to add a redirect on one of my pages and am receiving this error:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at D:Dee-incwp-includespost-template.php:797) in D:Dee-incwp-contentpluginsexec-phpincludesruntime.php(41) : eval()’d code on line 2

    Here is the code I am adding directly into the html editor of wordpress:

    header("Location: http://www.google.com");

    Here is the rest of the code for the html editor of the page:

    <link href="/wp-content/themes/destination/commerce/Commerce.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="/wp-content/themes/destination/commerce/TrackingSearch.asp?txtSearch=<?php echo $_GET["txtSearch"]; ?>&RadioSearch=<?php echo $_GET["RadioSearch"]; ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Any ideas on how to get past this error? I will change the criteria to redirect once I get this fixed.

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  • Yeah, if you are telling it to call the header function within the editor, then it will add that code at a point when the header’s already been called.

    Besides that, I am not sure that what you are trying to do is good practice. Are you trying to permanently redirect one page?

    I would check out a plugin called Quick Page/Post Redirect – it may do what you are looking for, and do it in a way that won’t kill your google rankings.

    Thread Starter dzirkelb


    The redirect will be an if then statement. It looks to see if the user is logged in, if not, then it redirects them to the login page. The page is burried in the site also, and will have no need to be ranked on google.

    Currently, I have the page redirecting using a javascript code, but that code is ran after the page is rendered. Which, in turn, causes the page to load, then redirect, opposed to redirect before loading.

    Oh, wow. You are doing a true dynamic redirect. Ok, then.

    I think the code you want to place will look like this:

    if ( is_page('51') && !is_user_logged_in() ) {
           header("Location: http://www.google.com");

    The trick is going to be getting before the header call.

    You could add this just above get_header() of your page.php file, then it will run this check before a page loads. Change 51 to whatever your page id is that you want to check.

    Thread Starter dzirkelb


    A problem I run into, is since this is wordpress, there isn’t actually a page.php file created. Maybe it’ll be easier for you to look at what I am talking about:


    Browse to that link, and then click the link “Live, Real-Time Order Tracking”.

    You will notice it takes you to the page where you would abe able to do searches; however, since you are not logged in, it will redirect you. I am in search to get rid of loading the page, then redirecting.

    And, since this is wordpress, there isn’t an actual page created that I can go to and edit the code. I am having to add the code directly into the html of the page, which is why I am struggling so much.

    This seems to be a common problem, with a lot of it being caused by empty lines in the .php page, but I don’t have a .php page to look at, or at least I do not know what one to look at.

    And, I only want to check to see if they are logged in for about 5 pages, not the other 100 on the site.

    Hmm… Let me ask you a couple of questions that might get me thinking in the right direction:

    1. How did you create the page for commerce-tracking-search? Did you create it as a wordpress page?

    2. If you go into WordPress Dashboard=>appearance=>editor, do you see Page Template listed on the right hand side? If not, list the first ten things you see in that right hand column.

    Thread Starter dzirkelb


    For 1, it is a bit tricky.

    The commerce-tracking-seach page has the following code which I added in the html editor on the page itself:

    <link href="/wp-content/themes/destination/commerce/Commerce.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="/wp-content/themes/destination/commerce/TrackingSearch.asp?txtSearch=<?php echo $_GET["txtSearch"]; ?>&RadioSearch=<?php echo $_GET["RadioSearch"]; ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>

    So, it basically does nothing but calls my previously coded .asp page, which is this:

    <!-- #include file="dbQS.asp" -->
    strSearch = request.querystring("txtSearch")
    strRadioSearch = request.querystring("RadioSearch")
    strCustID = request.cookies("CustID")
    strPWD = request.cookies("PWD")
    strEmail = request.cookies("Email")
    strDisplay = ""
    if len(Request.QueryString("FP")) > 0 then
    	strFP = Request.QueryString("FP")
    	strFP = "/index.php/dee-e-commerce-center/commerce-tracking-search/"
    end if
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "<html>"
    if strCustID = "" then
    	strDisplay = strDisplay & "<body onload=Redirect()>"
    	strDisplay = strDisplay & "<body>"
    end if
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "<br>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "<br>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "Search By:"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "<form action='' method=get id=frmGeneral name=frmGeneral>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<input type=hidden id=hidFP name=hidFP value="&strFP&">"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<p>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<input type=radio id=RadioSearch name=RadioSearch value=CustPO checked>PO # |"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<input type=radio id=RadioSearch name=RadioSearch value=DeeOrder"
    									if strRadioSearch = "DeeOrder" then
    										strDisplay = strDisplay & " checked"
    									end if
    								strDisplay = strDisplay & ">Dee Order # |"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<input type=radio id=RadioSearch name=RadioSearch value=CustItem"
    									if strRadioSearch = "CustItem" then
    										strDisplay = strDisplay & " checked"
    									end if
    								strDisplay = strDisplay & ">Item # |"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<input type=radio id=RadioSearch name=RadioSearch value=Part"
    									if strRadioSearch = "Part" then
    										strDisplay = strDisplay & " checked"
    									end if
    								strDisplay = strDisplay & ">Mfg Part # |"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "	</p>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<input type=text id=txtSearch name=txtSearch value='"&strSearch&"' class=Notes>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<input type=submit value=Search id=SubmitSearch name=SubmitSearch>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "</form>"
    if len(strSearch) > 0 then
    	select case strRadioSearch
    		case "CustPO"
    			ssql = ssql & " WHERE (ORDERS.[CUST PO #] = '"&strSearch&"') AND (ORDERS.[CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND (ORDERS.[BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    		case "DeeOrder"
    			ssql = ssql & " WHERE ([ORDER DETAILS].[ORDER #] = '"&strSearch&"') AND (ORDERS.[CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND (ORDERS.[BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    		case "Part"
    			ssql = ssql & " WHERE ([ORDER DETAILS].[PART_#] like '%"&strSearch&"%') AND (ORDERS.[CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND (ORDERS.[BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    		case "CustItem"
    			ssql = ssql & " WHERE ([ORDER DETAILS].[CUST ITEM #] like '%"&strSearch&"%') AND (ORDERS.[CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND (ORDERS.[BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    	end select
    	set rs = Server.CreateObject ("adodb.Recordset")
    	rs.Open ssql, dbc, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
    	if rs.eof then
    		intNumRec = 0
    		intNumRec = 1
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "<table>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<tr>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Cust PO#</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Order#</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Cust Item#</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Part#</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Mfg Name</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Qty</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Req Ship Date</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Invoice Date</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Status</th>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "	</tr>"
    			do while not rs.EOF
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<tr>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>"&rs("CustPO")&"</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>"&rs("OrdNum")&"</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>"&rs("CustItem")&"</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>"&rs("Part")&"</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>"&rs("MfgName")&"</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>"&rs("Qty")&"</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>"&rs("RSD")&"</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td></td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td>Open</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td><a href=# onclick=Tracking("&rs("LineSerial")&")>Track</a></td>"
    		'strDisplay = strDisplay & "			<td><a href=custorderedit1.asp?PONum="&rs("CustPO")&"&OrdNum="&rs("OrdNum")&"&LS="&rs("LineSerial")&" Title='Click To Edit This Line Item'>Edit</td>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "		</tr>"
    		strDisplay = strDisplay & "</table>"
    	end if
    	set rs = nothing
    	ssql = "SELECT [ORDER #] as OrdNum, [CUST PO #] as CustPO, [PART_#] as Part, [CUST ITEM #] as CustItem, [MFG_NAME] as MfgName, [QTY] as InvQty , [INVOICE DATE] as InvDate, [LINESERIAL#] as LineSerial"
    	ssql = ssql & " FROM [INVOICE DETAILS]"
    	select case strRadioSearch
    		case "CustPO"
    			ssql = ssql & "WHERE ([CUST PO #] = '"&strSearch&"') AND ([CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND ([BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    		case "DeeOrder"
    			ssql = ssql & "WHERE ([ORDER #] = '"&strSearch&"') AND ([CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND ([BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    		case "Part"
    			ssql = ssql & "WHERE ([PART_#] like '%"&strSearch&"%') AND ([CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND ([BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    		case "CustItem"
    			ssql = ssql & "WHERE ([CUST ITEM #] like '%"&strSearch&"%') AND ([CUSTOMER #] = '"&strCustID&"') AND ([BuyerEmail] = '"&strEmail&"')"
    	end select	
    	set rs = Server.CreateObject ("adodb.Recordset")
    	rs.Open ssql, dbc, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
    	if rs.EOF then
    		if intNumRec = 0 then
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "<br>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "Dee Does Not Show Any Open Orders For "&strSearch&" Customer# "&strCustID&" With Buyer Email Address "&strEmail&""
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "<br>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "<br>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "<a href=/index.php/dee-e-commerce-center/login/>Click Here To Change Logon</a>"
    		end if
    		if intNumRec = 0 then
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "<table>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<tr>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Cust PO#</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Order#</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Cust Item#</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Part#</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Mfg Name</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Qty</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Req Ship Date</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Invoice Date</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "		<th>Status</th>"
    			strDisplay = strDisplay & "	</tr>"
    				do while not rs.EOF
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "<tr>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>"&rs("CustPO")&"</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>"&rs("OrdNum")&"</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>"&rs("CustItem")&"</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>"&rs("Part")&"</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>"&rs("MfgName")&"</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>"&rs("InvQty")&"</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td></td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>"&rs("InvDate")&"</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td>Invoiced</td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "	<td><a href=# onclick=Tracking("&rs("LineSerial")&")>Track</a></td>"
    				strDisplay = strDisplay & "</tr>"
    		end if
    	end if
    	set rs=nothing
    	strDisplay = strDisplay & "</table>	"
    end if
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "</body>"
    strDisplay = strDisplay & "</html>"
    function Redirect()
    	FP = document.frmGeneral.hidFP.value;
    	window.location = "/index.php/dee-e-commerce-center/login/?FP="+FP;
    function Tracking(LS)
    	window.open ("/wp-content/themes/Destination/commerce/Tracking.asp?LS="+LS+"", "", "track, width=800,height=300,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,status=yes");

    A little history as why it is done that way is we had this site previously coded in html and .asp, back in, oh, 1998 or so, and finally upgraded the site. In the upgrade, we went to wordpress so certain people at our company can update the pages and add new content and what not. Everything our company does is coded using .asp and .net, so we have 0 experience using .php.

    I learned some quick snippets to make our existing pages work with the .php site, but it is definately a workaround.

    On top of that, we are hosting the site ourselves on an IIS 6.0 server (windows 2003).

    For question number 2, page template is listed on the right hand side. That page did have a blank line at the end of the code, so I removed that, but still the same problem.

    Ok. I’ve got something to try.

    For giggles and grins, bear with me and try this:

    In the wordpress dashboard, goto appearance=>editor

    On the right hand side, click on page template.

    In the editor screen, look for get_header();

    copy this ABOVE get_header();

    if ( is_page('commerce-tracking-search') && !is_user_logged_in() ) {
           header("Location: http://www.dee-inc.com/index.php/dee-e-commerce-center/login/?FP=/index.php/dee-e-commerce-center/commerce-tracking-search/");

    This should work if you created the commerce-tracking-search as a page within wordpress, using the default page template, and the page slug is commerce-tracking-search.

    Thread Starter dzirkelb


    I’m assuming I need to change the code of !is_user_logged_in() to my custom code to check if they are logged in, correct? I store it in a cookie, so I’d check that.

    One more tweak… it’s a good idea to add an exit statement. Here is a revised code snippet:

    if ( is_page('commerce-tracking-search') && !is_user_logged_in() ) {
           header("Location: http://www.dee-inc.com/index.php/dee-e-commerce-center/login/?FP=/index.php/dee-e-commerce-center/commerce-tracking-search/");

    I’m assuming I need to change the code of !is_user_logged_in() to my custom code to check if they are logged in, correct? I store it in a cookie, so I’d check that.

    You are correct. feel free to use your custom code there.

    Thread Starter dzirkelb


    That did the trick like a charm, thanks a TON!!

    You are quite welcome glad I could help!

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