• Hello,

    I’m trying to make a new template for my website to support the current size of the main content (stretch it out a bit), because previous images and such are too big for the new template. Also, I find the template main content a bit too small for easy reading.

    I’ve been trying for ages to find the correct settings to do this. Been scrolling the web and this forum too, but no luck.

    Can someone please help me?

    Below is the .css

    /*-----------------[BASIC STYLES]-----------------*/
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    .alignright { float: right; }
    .alignleft { float: left }
    img.alignleft { display:inline; float:left; margin-right:15px; }
    img.alignright { display:inline; float:right; margin-left:15px; }		
    .wp-pagenavi a.last { width:46px !important; }
    .wp-pagenavi a.first { width:50px !important; }
    .wp-pagenavi .extend { background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #EFEFEF !important;
    border:1px solid #D4D4D4 !important;
    color:#000000 !important;
    display:block !important;
    height:20px !important;
    margin-right:7.6px !important;
    padding:10px 0 0 !important;
    text-align:center !important;
    text-decoration:none !important;
    width:30px !important; }

    Any help will be appreciated

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  • Are you simply trying to enlarge the text on the site, or are you trying to completely redo the dimensions of the various columns in the design?

    If you’re trying to enlarge the text, changing the following line:

    body { font-size: .75em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: url('images/header_bg.png') repeat-x center top; }


    body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: url('images/header_bg.png') repeat-x center top; }

    would be a good place to start.

    a lot of stuff to take into consideration…alignments, etc…

    but generally,
    #wrap { width: 963px; margin: 0 auto; }
    controls the width of the entire shebang, the wrapper

    #header { width: 963px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 42px 0 0 0; }
    is the header width, it’d have to be adjusted

    #content #main { width: 703px; float: left; }
    is the width of the main content area

    #sidebar { float: left; width: 250px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 10px; -webkit
    here’s your sidebar

    Once those main adjustments are made, you’d have to tweak other stuff most likely to get everything looking good again. Then probably make new images for any backgrounds that used em

    Also consider, if your site goes to wide you will get a horizontal scroll bar. You gotta decide how big to go. I never go beyond 1010px, as a lot of people still have 1028px monitors.

    Thread Starter nroelofs


    The size of the text is big enough. Maybe even too big hehe.

    I’m trying to “move” the sidebar more to the right. The images are now overlaying the sidebar… If the sidebar is moved more to the right, while text stays in the same area (with no change) I’m already happy.. Problem is though that the main content “separator” (one big line that separates the main content from the sidebar) needs to be moved as well. I guess that’s some background image orso..

    Thank you for your input. Any help is appreciated.

    Thread Starter nroelofs


    Rev. Voodoo,

    Thanks for the explanation. I’ll look into that and let everybody know if it worked, or still have some issue.

    Thanks !

    install firebug on firefox browser

    It allows you to investigate your css. You can just point and find out what css applies, then you can easily find what elements to adjust

    When click the group,category my post content is shifting from content whole div but in the case of home page looking great.

    Similary when click group menu items then menu items listing shift margin left.

    Anybody have an idea to solve this problem.

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