• So, I’ve seen some questions about this and I couldn’t find the answer here on WordPress.org foruns, so I went up to research my own solution.

    Sometimes, you want the wp_tag_cloud() to display only tags from a specific category or not to display them.

    There’s no easy option buil-in the function that allows us to easily achieve this result. But there are those options ‘include’ and ‘exclude’ on the parameters array.

    So, what if, we listed all tags from a category first and just then we called the wp_cloud_tag() function using the tags we just retrieved from the category?

    Well, that’s exactly how I achieved this result and here you can find it:

    query_posts('category_name=desired-category'); //Search for the posts under the category you wish to retrieve the tags for.
    			if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
    		        $post_tags = get_the_tags();
    				if ($post_tags) {
    					foreach($posttags as $tag) {
    						$all_tags[] = $tag->term_id; //save the tag term_id in an array
    			$tags_ = array_unique($all_tags); //remove the duplicates id
    			wp_tag_cloud(array('include' => $tags_)); //Pass the tags we found to the function

    Hop this helped someone out as it helped me 🙂

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