• I’ve changed the code starting at line 212 in order to substitute the target attribute by the rel=”external”. As the author say the target attribute isn’t W3C valid, so why not get rid of it definitely.

    * For external links, we apply target="_blank" (if there is not already a target attribute in the anchor tag)
    $targetblank = '';
    if ( (substr($linktype, 0, 8) == 'external') && ($this->g_opt['mwli_targetblank'] == '1') ) {
    //if ( (strpos($matches[1] . $matches[6], 'target=') === false) ) {
    if ( ! preg_match("/rel=[\"\'].*?external.*?[\"\']/i", $matches[1] . $matches[6] ) ) {
    // there is no target=, so we add target="_blank"
    //$targetblank = 'target="_blank"';
    $targetblank = 'rel="external"';

    If Someone needs desperately to open a external link in another window, she could add a Jquery like:

    $(function() {
    $(‘a[rel*=external]‘).click( function() {
    return false;


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