• I have been trying to find a desktop client solution for WordPress for some time now, with little success, and was hoping someone might be able to make a suggestion.

    I have seen some use Semagic to post to WordPress, but have not been able to discover exactly how this has been achieved. If anyone knows setup details for Semagic for any WP installation (currently running, soon to upgrade to 1.5.2), that would be marvelous 🙂

    w.Bloggar and Zempt have worked to an extent, however suffer major traumas when attempting to post Japanese text (as they apparently do not support Unicode).

    The most success I have had so far as been with ‘ecto’, using the ‘Blogger’ API type via XML-RPC. While this posts and seems to work in Unicode etc, it will not retrieve posts (giving the error “There is an invalidly encoded character in one of the post. Please check the character encoding setting in your weblog system.”) and every time I submit a post I recieve an error box (“Response from server does not contain valid XML.”) despite a successful post.

    If anyone has any comments or suggestions on the matter, it would most greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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  • Hi,
    We have a free wintel desktop posting tool called Zoundry BlogWriter. Our application is designed to support UTF-8, though I’ll admit we have not done extensive testing on non US/English wintel installations. I would love to get some feedback from you on how the app work with the Japanese char set i.e. works, breaks, crashes etc.

    We started to support WP begining this month – so the app is still undergoing testing (wrt WP).

    Free download and other info can be found at out web site:

    If you do try it out and come across any non-WordPress issues, pls post to our Zoundry Forums.


    Semagic is explicitly tested to work with CJK and right-to-left languages. To login you just need to enter your server name and xmlrpc path in the server settings in login window. The same settings you had already entered in other clients that you mentioned.

    I’m trying to find a blog client to write posts in Korean. I can write Korean with Semagic, but I can’t get it to connect to my blog.

    I am using the same settings that I tried with w.Bloggar.

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