• Hello Everyone!

    I’m using the Missed Schedule Plugin but I need to publish posts from some categories only (or even better: all categories but one). Looking at the source code of the plugin it seems I have to edit this SQL query:

    $missedIDs = $wpdb->get_col(
    		"SELECT <code>ID</code> FROM <code>{$wpdb->posts}</code> ".
    		"WHERE ( ".
    		"	((<code>post_date</code> > 0 )&& (<code>post_date</code> <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())) OR ".
    		"	((<code>post_date_gmt</code> > 0) && (<code>post_date_gmt</code> <= UTC_TIMESTAMP())) ".
    		") AND <code>post_status</code> = 'future'"

    Now, I’m a SQL rookie, but as I can see there’s no column in the wp_posts table referring the post category and I wonder how can I achieve this.

    Any help or input is highly appreciated.


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