• Hello All

    I turned off comments through the usual procedure:

    wp-admin > options > discussion > uncheck “allow people to post comments”

    it does turn the function off yet it still display “comments” on my pages. I would like for it to not be displayed at all.

    how do you go about configuring this?

    thanks and well appreciate it.

    Mitchell Gant

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  • You would actually have to remove this via a file edit.

    Remove the following from your main theme template:

    <?php comments_popup_link(__('Comments (0)'), __('Comments (1)'), __('Comments (%)')); ?>

    Go into your index.php page (and any other template pages you have created) and take out the code for the comments. I don’t know what theme you’re using, so I can’t tell you too specifically. However, I would reccommend ‘commenting it out’ as opposed to deleting it from the code untill you are really sure you’re taking out what you want. Which means putting the ‘<!–‘ comment tags ‘!–>’ before and after. These tags make that code ‘invisible’ and it won’t display on your page.

    After you comment it out, then look at the page and make sure you didn’t include something within the comment tags you wanted visible or miss anything you meant to remove. It will take some noodling, but you’ll get it.

    This is one way, and the way I did it. There may be another way.

    If you’re actually talking Pages and not posts, edit page.php.

    I wanted comments on some Pages and not others, so I made a custom Page template that didn’t have the comments call:

    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    And then assigned those Pages where I wanted no comments that template.

    See this for more details: http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages#Page_Templates

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