• vean


    I’m building multi author blog and on Comments (in admin section)
    I want to show comments jut which are made on post of each author.

    So, when some of authors go to Comments they should see just comments on their posts.

    I found similar solution for edit posts, and those people give some solution for edit comments, but this is for new version of vordpress, and because I use some combination of plugins I can not upgrade…
    I’m using wordpress 2.6.2.

    I can hide all comments for user under some level but that isn’t solution. This I can do in /wp-admin/edit-comments.php so I was thinking maybe I can change something here to get results as I need.

    This is original + code to hide comments for user under admin level:

    get_currentuserinfo() ;
    global $user_level;
    if ($user_level > 9) {
    $comments_per_page = apply_filters('comments_per_page', 20, $comment_status);
    if ( isset( $_GET['apage'] ) )
    	$page = abs( (int) $_GET['apage'] );
    	$page = 1;
    $start = $offset = ( $page - 1 ) * $comments_per_page;
    list($_comments, $total) = _wp_get_comment_list( $comment_status, $search_dirty, $start, $comments_per_page + 5 ); // Grab a few extra
    $comments = array_slice($_comments, 0, $comments_per_page);
    $extra_comments = array_slice($_comments, $comments_per_page);
    $page_links = paginate_links( array(
    	'base' => add_query_arg( 'apage', '%#%' ),
    	'format' => '',
    	'total' => ceil($total / $comments_per_page),
    	'current' => $page

    I would appreciate any help.
    Thanks in advance.

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