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  • Thread Starter weiler14



    Thread Starter weiler14




    You can add the <div> <div> tag at the end of the header fiile or at the top of the page where you want to put the space.


    Shane G.

    Thread Starter weiler14


    I wanted to Decrease the space. is that possible?

    Thread Starter weiler14


    IS there a way to do this in style sheet? My single postphp gets very messed up if i completely remove <div>

    It’s your code that appears to be the problem. You have an line of spaces in there.

    <div class="clear">									
    &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp<img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-58" title="medical_symbol_teal_on_gray" src="" alt="medical_symbol_teal_on_gray" width="110" height="90" />
    <p>code: medical assistant job 2912</p>

    You have a line of spaces (&nbsp;) then an image, then you start “code: medical assistant” with a paragraph tag.

    If you style your image to float it right, it will get out of the flow of the text. Then delete the row of spaces, and your “code: medical assistant job 2912” will move up on the page.

    I can’t see how you’ve created it in the backend, only what the resulting output html is.

    Thread Starter weiler14


    can i edit it and say “float right” instead of “align right”?

    I’m not so sure the image is the problem. It’s those spaces that are creating an extra line for you. You can change class=”etc” to style=”float:right;” and that will at least make sure the image is set to the right.

    But even if you removed the image from the situation, I think you’d still have those  ‘s moving your top line of text down.

    Are you using the HTML editor or the Visual editor when editing your pages?

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