• Resolved lnoyl


    Hi, im trying to get the spacing I want in my footer.


    Right now the footer looks like this:

    All Content is

    2009 by LNOYL. Some Rights Reserved.
    wordpress – sandbox – autofocus

    Im trying to make it look like this:

    All Content is cc-logo 2009 by LNOYL. Some Rights Reserved.
    wordpress – sandbox – autofocus

    Basically, Im trying to put all the text and the CC symbol on one line.

    The footer php looks like this:

    <div id="footer">
    		All content is <img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/2.5/ca/80x15.png" /><?php print(date(Y)); ?> by <a href="<?php echo get_option('home') ?>/" title="<?php bloginfo('name') ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a>. Some Rights Reserved.
    		<p id="footer-credit">
    			<span id="generator-link"><a href="http://wordpress.org/" title="<?php _e('WordPress', 'sandbox'); ?>" rel="generator"><?php _e('WordPress', 'sandbox'); ?></a></span>
    			<span class="meta-sep">|</span>
    			<span id="theme-link"><a href="http://www.plaintxt.org/themes/sandbox/" title="<?php _e('Sandbox for WordPress', 'sandbox'); ?>" rel="designer"><?php _e('Sandbox', 'sandbox'); ?></a></span>
    			<span class="meta-sep">|</span>
    			<a href="http://www.allancole.com/wordpress/themes/autofocus" title="<?php _e('Autofocus', 'sandbox'); ?>"><?php _e('Autofocus', 'sandbox'); ?></a>
    	</div><!-- #footer -->
    </div><!-- #wrapper .hfeed -->
    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    and the footer CSS looks like this:

    /* =footer */
    #footer{clear:both;float:left;font-size:1em;margin:0;padding:4px 0 36px;width:800px;color:#888;}
    #footer #footer-credit {font-size:0.8em;}

    Thanks for any help!


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  • The following file causes all images to be displayed on their own line:

    img, img.alignnone (line 43)
    {display: block;}

    If you want the image to display on the same line as the text add the following to the style attribute: “display: inline”. Here’s an example

    All content is <img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0; display: inline" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/2.5/ca/80x15.png" /><?php print(date(Y)); ?> by <a href="<?php echo get_option('home') ?>/" title="<?php bloginfo('name') ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a>. Some Rights Reserved.

    [signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]

    Thread Starter lnoyl


    hey thanks! that example got me closer – it’s placed the creative commons graphic in the same orientation as the text


    While the graphic is now spaced correctly, it seems to float one line above the rest of the text. Any ideas how to adjust that so it all fits on one line?

    my current code is

    <div id="footer">
    	<img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0; display: inline" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/2.5/ca/80x15.png" /><?php print(date(Y)); ?> by <a href="<?php echo get_option('home') ?>/" title="<?php bloginfo('name') ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a>. Contact thelastnightofyourlife@gmail.com.
    		<p id="footer-credit">
    			<span id="generator-link"><a href="http://wordpress.org/" title="<?php _e('WordPress', 'sandbox'); ?>" rel="generator"><?php _e('WordPress', 'sandbox'); ?></a></span>
    			<span class="meta-sep">|</span>
    			<span id="theme-link"><a href="http://www.plaintxt.org/themes/sandbox/" title="<?php _e('Sandbox for WordPress', 'sandbox'); ?>" rel="designer"><?php _e('Sandbox', 'sandbox'); ?></a></span>
    			<span class="meta-sep">|</span>
    			<a href="http://www.allancole.com/wordpress/themes/autofocus" title="<?php _e('Autofocus', 'sandbox'); ?>"><?php _e('Autofocus', 'sandbox'); ?></a>
    	</div><!-- #footer -->
    </div><!-- #wrapper .hfeed -->
    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    Thanks again,

    My brain is a bit kooked out at the moment so major apologies if I give the wrong advice, buuut:

    Try applying a negative vertical margin to the image and seeing if that adjusts the placement of the image?

    in style.css:

    #footer #footer-credit {float:left;font-size:0.8em;clear:left;}
    #footer img {float:left; margin:5px 5px 5px 0; }

    Thread Starter lnoyl


    Hey everyone thanks; the creative commons logo fits perfectly now!

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