• Resolved hungzai


    I have a piece of code that lists 3 posts from the same category but in RANDOM form in single.php.

    So it basically display 3 random posts from the same category.

    I’m facing a problem where there is a possibility that the current will appear in this post since it belong to the category too.

    Are there any ways that can exlude this current post to be listed in the random listing?

    This sounds like something fairly easy to achieve but yet my php skill is private limited so hope some kind soul can give some pointers.

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  • Well let’s see what you’re using to grab said posts first… 😉

    You can add the current post ID as an exclude to whatever code you’re using.. exclude is supported in both query_posts and get_posts , and i’d assume you’re using one of those..

    Thread Starter hungzai


    thanks and here you go

    if ( in_category(‘373’) ):

    $recent = new WP_Query(“cat=373&showposts=3&orderby=rand”); while($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post();



    I’ve tried this
    but it didnt work.
    I tried another one which uses some array thingy but and it worked but however it did not really exclude but merely print nothing so my 3 random posts becomes 2. The thing is I’m displaying pictures in static position so when it’s done that way, the space is blank which isn’t what i want.

    So what i want is to really exclude it while they search for posts randomly…and give me 3 posts that is not the current post…

    Thread Starter hungzai



    This was what I used but it turned out one misses instead of excluding…..

    Something as simple as..

    $currentID = get_the_ID();
    $recent = new WP_Query( 'exclude=' . $currentID . '&cat=373&showposts=3&orderby=rand' );

    Should do the trick..

    Thread Starter hungzai


    hmmm Didn’t work…….anything else I need to add to capture the ID? Or it’ll just GET-THE-ID?

    Can i see the complete code for the file you’re using this in?

    Plonk the code in a pastebin.

    Thread Starter hungzai



    Maybe you’ll like to know how do I know it didn’t work.

    Because the category I test out on has only 4 posts and when I gone test one of those post, it still display 4 related posts which also include that current posts.

    $yourcat = 373; // Stick the ID here and it'll be placed in the relevant places below.
    if( in_category( $yourcat ) ) :
    	$my_query = new WP_Query(array(
    		'showposts' => 3,
    		'orderby' => 'rand',
    		'cat' => $yourcat,
    		'post__not_in' => array($post->ID)
    	)); unset($yourcat);
    	while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><img src="<?php echo p75GetThumbnail($post->ID, 100, 100); ?>"></a>

    Took a little while to figure why it wouldn’t work…. just needed to use an array with the posts__not_in parameter…

    Above is tested as working….

    Thread Starter hungzai


    Yes!!!!! Lovely!!!! Thanks!!!

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