• Hello guys,

    Situation : the Archive page template.

    The problem : a loop retrieving posts from the Main, Parent Cat, but not the posts that are deeperly categorized (instead, reserve the sidebar for them)

    I have category "A", "B" and "C"

    "A" have the sub-categories "a"+"aa"+"aaa", "B" have the sub-categories "b"+"bb"+"bbb", and "C" have the sub-categories "c"+"cc"+"ccc".

    How could I set the Archive page main loop showing just posts in "A" , letting alone those that have deeper categoritzation ? Could I at the same time show in the sidebar the lastest posts which are marked in those deeper levels ? Say 5 titles for subcategory ?

    And in the "a" Subcat ... :
    - tile 1
    - tile 2
    - title 3

    How would you do it ?

    Thanks in advance.

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