• The new timezone support is very welcome, but there’s a problem.

    After selecting Auckland as my New Zealand timezone I’m advised that “Daylight savings time begins on: 4 October 2009 03:00 00.”.

    This is incorrect, as can be found on the official NZ timezone page at:


    It states:

    Daylight Saving commences on the last Sunday in September, when 2.00am becomes 3.00am, and ends on the first Sunday in April the following year, when 3.00am becomes 2.00am.
    Daylight Saving ended on Sunday 5 April 2009 (when clocks went back one hour).
    It begins again on Sunday 27 September 2009 (when clocks go forward one hour).

    Daylight Savings was extended a year or two ago in New Zealand. It seems the reference table WordPress 2.8 is using has not been updated.



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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    WordPress 2.8 does not control the timezone table, that’s built into PHP 5. Sounds like your server needs to be updated to handle the new data.

    I believe you can use PECL to update the timezonedb in PHP, or you can upgrade PHP itself. If this is not your server, you may need to ask your host to do it for you.

    Also, try other timezones. One of them might match the new dates.

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