• I have been working on the code for some time – and can not find an easy solution (I truly think this is a bug).

    In many of the widget sidebars, a section of the code has the following lines:

    if ($wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = '$parent_id' AND post_status != 'attachment'")) { ?>
    			<div class="sidebar_box">
    			<h3>In This Section</h3>

    This code for get_results is supposed to provide an index of the children after the parent_id has been identified. The challenge is that since the newer version of the WP has come out, versions of pages have been also tagged with the parent_id. Thus, even when a parent does not have a child, if it has any versions after it – the $wpdb->get_results still does not return a NULL.

    Any suggestion on how to resolve this?

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