• a project suggestion to write a manual on how to easily incorporate erfurtwiki & gallery into WP

    first and foremost. thanx for all your great work with WordPress. excellent stuff.
    i have been a b2 and wordpress user for more than 2 years. very satisfied.

    but since i am not a coder per se i find i kind of hard to integrate my blog with my gallery and my wiki. i have noticed how several efforts have been made to integrate gallery and the erfurtwiki into WP.

    so i thought maybe it would be a great next move to start a manual on how this can be done easy. maybe this would even lead to a more active collaboration between these 3 great opensource develloppers and it would help to create a sort of meta-wordpress. which would then almost be a CMS like we all dream of having one, that will allow you to handle all these elements from one clean admin interface as wordpress has it for instance.

    are such plans in that direction under way already? if not how can i help to start such a project?

    i think this would be a great help for the slightly technologically challenged, like myself.

    i cant help as far as coding goes, so some coders would have to help, but i would gladly contribute to such an effort conceptually, writing the manual or as a project manager.

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