• Resolved Basix



    I am the author of NEX-Forms (moderated) and I need your help.

    You are including styles and scripts publicly and it is interfering with my functionality.

    Please take this as a fellow developer trying to help. All you need t do is to add an if statement before your inclusion of scripts and styles. This is what I do:
    if(is_admin() && ( isset($_GET[‘page’]) && stristr($_GET[‘page’],’nex-forms’) ) ){
    //include back-end styles and script
    wp_enqueue_style(‘Nex-Forms-admin-holy-grail.min’, WP_PLUGIN_URL . ‘/Nex-Forms/css/holy-grail.css’);
    //etc etc

    If you can please do this we can as developers respect each others work and know your own work is not vulnerable to 3rd party plugins.

    Please let me know if you can accommodate

    Paul (basix)


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  • Plugin Author karim79


    Hi there,

    Thanks for the heads up. This is now fixed. Our JavaScripts and styles are only included where they are needed – in the Media Library, as well as the Settings->Media pages.



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