• I set up two blogs each in their own directory linking to their own databses


    the blog at /rss used to be in /blog directory when i had one blog
    I moved it into a new, which is now its present, directory (/rss)

    I then made a new mySQL databse and installed a new blog into the /blog folder, which was empty after moving the previous blog.

    Why do I have two blogs, becasue one (/rss) is just news updates. I parse this blog’s rss feed on my homepage.
    The second (/blog) is all posts and is for reading, commenting, etc

    So i can sucessfully go to /blog/wp-admin and post posts and they are not transfered to the blog is /rss

    However I cannot login, i am the admin, to /rss/wp-admin
    I type in my login info, which i know is correct, and upon clicking ‘log in’ it trys to log me into /blog/wp-admin
    When i try to log in using the meta login widget in /rss . upon clicking the login button, it tries to log me in to /blog/wp-admin

    So somehwere it thinks that this blog (/rss) is still in /blog/

    Do i have to manually change that in the php files?’
    for example, do i have to edit /rss/wp-login.php to say when edit go to /rss/ap-admin/index.php and not /blog/wp-admin/index.php?

    Sorry if this is confusing.. i will post a video of what im talking about soon

    I hope someone can help asap

    Thanks in advance,
    team 1504

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